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Limerick recently put out a story entitled Lake Lemonade that's part of a larger "Viral Anthology", which was a collaborative effort with other authors of the genre and a way to boost donations for people going through difficult times during the pandemic.

Story Here:  https://mcstories.com/ViralAnthology/index.html 

He reached out to me early on to create illustrations for his story. I had some ideas for what I wanted to do and thought it would be a cool challenge to go beyond what I did for Buck's Bimbos as a closest comparison. I envisioned ways to integrate the illustrations more seamlessly into the prose and create an interwoven flow between between Limerick's words and my visuals. Not so much a comic per se, but to have the story and images overlap each other more so than just inserting a picture between paragraphs a la Buck's Bimbos.

I went as far as creating character concepts of the three leads at their beginning and end stages, but ultimately chose to step away in order to give another artist the opportunity to work on the project.




This is a tragedy! Limerick and Dynamoob go together like turtles and ninjutsu. I'm happy for the other artist getting a shot, but they've got some big shoes to fill for sure.