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The suggestion box is now open for one week. Leave a comment below with a suggestion you would like to see me create as a pinup or a short 2-4 panel sequence.

At the end of the week I will select three finalists and put them up in a poll for you to choose which suggestion gets made.



Nerdy Girl picks up her brothers dumbbell and transforms into beefy female body builder.


Teenage boy starts fantasizing about centerfold in Playboy/penthouse like magazine. Either he or friend /parent/brother/Sister turns into the babe from the magazine


Daughter and motherare going to a "bimbo" psychiatrist to improve their relationship. Both end up as new bimbos.


A girl driving to a opera finds her car radio stuck on a rather racy station and she can't turn it off either. She complains at first but soon finds herself turned into a bimboish clubber, excited to hit this new nightclub that just opened.

Karen W. Fox

The rose presentation outcome. A loser on a "Bachelorette" leaves in limo. Driver presses button, and smoke fills the back. The "loser" guy transformations into a girl, gown and make-up, etc. The driver drops her off at a "Bachelor" arrival scene. This time she gets a the final rose at the end


I'd like to see a continuation of the Joker and his Bimbo serum.


A high school student tries to seduce her teacher by drinking a magic potion that turns her into a MILF. The teacher approves. ;)


Trophy Wife Stepmother transforms nerdy teenage stepdaughter into a pageant queen bimbo she can be proud of.


Lonely nerd girl enters a house of mirrors at a carnival after she gets separated/abandoned by her friends. Inside she sees various versions of herself, but she is particularly drawn to the popular girl version of her that she sees. intoxicated by the idea that everyone around her wants to be her friend. Touching the mirror she becomes that version of herself and exiting to her new life


Husband finds his wife hooking on the street. Confronts her pimp who transforms him into her identical twin (also a hooker).

Jade Diaz

A plain and timid girl finds a ring that lets her steal the best parts of all the popular girls at school turning her into the bitchy and popular queen bee.