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After some consideration, I have decided to make change to my current pledge reward tiers which I will implement at the start of next month. I believe these will be positive changes that will benefit everybody.

Since I began my Patreon page, the $15 in its current state has been a pretty unpopular choice with unclear or unenticing rewards. I notice many patrons either just stay with tier $10 rewards or skip past $15 for the better rewards in the $20 tier. So this leads to the update…

The current $15 tier is going away, and the tier $20 rewards are dropping to tier $15. This means that patrons will only be paying $15 for access to the premium request lottery and other top tier bonus content. It will also make the breakdown of tier rewards more streamlined as followed:


· Access to everything up to pinups & single images

· Suggestion box


· Access to everything up to sequences & vignettes

· Suggestion box


· Access to everything up to full comics & stories

· Suggestion box

· Monthly request lottery


· Access to everything + bonus material

· Suggestion box

· Premium request lottery

This change is going to take place at the beginning of next month (6/2018). If you are currently pledging to the $20 reward tier, please update your pledge to the $15 tier because the $20 tier will be going away starting next month.

Thank you everybody for your continual support,



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