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Part 4/4

Abbey absolutely loves her job and can't possibly think of a better place to be!


Behind the Scenes Ramble:

I brainstormed through a number of iterations while trying to figure out how to approach this one. First, I thought of subverting the formula entirely by showing Abbey’s change only through interactions with friends and family outside of working hours, kinda how Tarantino makes a movie about bank robbers and shows everything aside from the heist itself. I wasn’t liking it though because I felt the point was to see Abbey in the context of the job & in uniform – so that got scrapped. Then I thought of a scenario in which Abbey gets hired alongside a scrawny male cook, and frame it a sequence of late nights where the meet behind the restaurant to share a smoke. At first, they bond over a shared dislike for the job and coworkers, but gradually get more bimbo/himbo and meet out back solely to go down on each other between shifts. That might be fun for another sequence, but it was veering too much into bland bimbo slut territory and I didn’t feel it was right for Abbey’s character. I also had the idea to frame the sequence around a repeat customer that’s at first disappointed and bemoaning Abbey’s poor service & not her tipping much, to her becoming his favorite server & him lavishing her with a generous amount of gratuity. Unfortunately, this idea on its own was straying the focus away from Abbey herself, but it was getting me closer to what would be the final product.

It was a matter of trying to find what the narrative thrust was for the story. Through the brainstorming, I eventually got to a clear and simple character arc for Abbey of her going from grumpy & hating the job to lightening up & finding peppy joy in her work. With that, the sequence basically wrote itself, and I even incorporated elements of the previous ideas, such as the repeat costumer and better tips, to facilitate the character arc.

For the physical changes, I experimented with how I wanted Abbey to end up. There’s slight variation in all the girls’ physiques; for example, Lexi’s breasts rest higher on her chest as to imitate implants, Trisha probably has the meatiest thighs, and Sasha is far more ass-oriented than the others. When it came to Abbey, I toyed with the idea of a ‘big titty goth GF’ and tested a version that was just all tits with only mild growth elsewhere. I also thought wouldn’t be ironic if the girl who absolutely hated the job would become the thickest one of them all and outgrow all the other girls in every aspect by a country mile. I ultimately struck a good balance, I think, and leaned into the fact she was shorter than the others by packing plenty of meat on her small package. Abbey is kept in the range of the others, but she does now have the largest breasts of all the girls.



Lucky Dragon ‘She.They’

I wouldn’t mind an ‘Extended Cut’ where we see here home life and her friends and family reacting to the changes


I did a 'Trisha at Home' piece, so maybe there could be an "Abbey at Home'

Denise Miller

Thank you, not for just sharing the pages you created, but the method behind it!!!


Love the thought process. You’ve inspired me to do the same for my work. :)