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Join the Deep Dark Night United!!!

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How Does Sleep With Me Make You Feel??

Post your questions about that podcast at www.sleepwithmepodcast.com/qq Join the Deep Dark Night United!!! Sleep With Me exists because of direct listener action via www.sleepwithmepodcast.com/patron -to be a rebel and pay for a free podcast www.sleepwithmepodcast.com/sponsors -to support a sponsor and get on the supporter zone OR if you are not in a position to support the show or choose not to support please fill out the feedback form at www.sleepwithmepodcast.com/sponsors so your voice can be heard!!!! Sharing about Sleep With Me or about podcasts in general is a great FREE way to support the podcast!! Then let me know so I can say thank you!



It really does feel like a personal service! I always feel really comforted and supported when I listen, and that helps me feel safe, relax and fall asleep. How much you care about folks and how hard you work to make a great podcast really comes through, your intros in particular recently feel really authentic and kind. ❤️


I posted my comment on YouTube. Should I have posted it here?


I found SWM when I was in a bad, high stress situation, and I thought the podcast would be something that could help me temporarily (or so I thought) through it by getting some sleep, and less stress. It has turned out to be an integral part of my life, and takes me through all the peaks, valleys, and the good times too. It has helped me creatively by tapping into sub-conscious and stream-of-conscious thinking, as I am a published poet. SWM was with me through a re-awakening of my own creative path as I returned to writing, after a terrible hiatus that was more than a couple of years. Thank you Drew/Scoots, thank you SWM team. There should be research on how your show helps us tap into creative zones in other parts of our lives!


Sleep with Me is absolutely a personal service! I use it all night, every night. Sleeping pills are hit or miss but Sleep with Me always works. I don't know what I did before. Guess I just never slept! Thank you!!!


I found SWM during a really rough period of my life. It felt like I had a friend who really understood and made me feel connected to the world. Hearing the “deep dark night” every episode was huge. I am so glad to be in a position to support the show right now. I hope it’s continues to be there for people who don’t know they need it yet. <3


Pre SWM (maybe 6 years ago now?), I used to have lots of thoughts racing through my mind and often couldn't fall sleep for an hour or so after lights out. I know that's not as bad as it is for many other listeners, but it was growing steadily longer over time. I had been falling asleep to Science News on Audible, but when they stopped producing it, I searched for sleep podcasts and found Sleep with Me. I tried it out and never looked back. These days, it's rare that I make it past the intro, and I look forward to bedtime instead of trying to stay up late and exhaust myself to sleep. I've been getting enough sleep nearly every single night for many years now, and I'm glad I'm able to support the show so others can do the same. I love the quirky creativity of the show. It's just enough to keep my attention, but not enough to keep me awake. Thanks, Drew, and all the others who work so hard to make it seem effortless.


I just started listening about a month ago. The upstate New York episode with the intro about the Adirondack chairs was my first and since then I've been listening to one or two every night. Before, I would lay awake for hours and my mind would run scripts of random words that don't even make sense just to keep me up. Sometimes I get really bad nightmares. Now i fall asleep faster. If I wake up from a nightmare your podcast helps me calm down and cheers me up. Thanks for steering my mind away from stress and making me laugh as I drift off.


I've been listening on and off for a few years. I have struggled with periods of poor sleep my whole life due to chronic anxiety, and now I also have a young child that has never slept well, which of course impacts my sleep. Sleep With Me has been a game changer for me. Often, it is just enough distraction to turn my brain off and allow me to fall asleep. But, even when that doesn't work, it is nice to have something low stakes to listen to when I can't sleep. It helps makes the sleepless nights more bearable. Plus, I really enjoy the content. I love your unique ideas and methods of storytelling, and even just the stream of consciousness talking in the intro. Thank you so much, Drew, and everyone that works on the show. I am so happy that I am able to support Sleep With Me, and will continue to do so for as long as I can.


I've struggled with insomnia since I was a child. A friend told me about the pod so I gave it a shot. Just like you always say, it took me a few listens to get calibrated, but now I listen every night. It helps me keep my mind off intrusive thoughts so I can fall asleep. I have a chronic illness, so sometimes I just can't sleep, and then the pod helps me stay relaxed and not solely focused on my pain. Sleep With Me means so much to me and I feel privileged to be in a position to support your hard work!


Hi I’ve just recently found and become a Paterson of your site, and really find a comfort in hearing your voice and knowing that I’m not alone when I’m unable to sleep and think it’s great that this site reaches out to so many people, I listened to you on a plane from uk to Greece and it helped so much with my anxiety. So a big thanks 🙏