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Trying to find a way to make this possible based on all the recent posts, what would you be interested in? Please watch the video for full context on the limitations!


What would you want??


Ainslie Divers

Apply the KISS principle! I think having a seperate feeds would be great; as I don’t use Apple Podcasts a lot especially if I’m searching for a story only episode. I use pocket cast mostly. Yet don’t make it hard on yourselves! Main thing to be able to easily access any of them would be key. I’m not that tech savvy when it comes to the different apps, so I stick with pocket cast. Will post on you tube vid as well!


I love the story only and all night episodes. I know I’m in the minority, but I don’t enjoy all intros episodes, so a stream that didn’t have them would be good. I’m a $10 patron.


"Superfluous tangents" has become the phrase that helps trigger sleep for me (I know - weird!), so I like the intros. I also REALLY like the Posty Posterson episodes - a playlist of those would be great for me personally.


I would love all intros - I try to keep track of them, but often lose them down the stream of played episodes. Sometimes I think I'm hypnotized to fall asleep to superfluous tangents and the list of things that keep us up at night.


I definitely would love and use both an all intros feed and an all night feed. I'm aware that some apps have a way to do custom searches to make a playlist of just all intros but I've never gotten it to work for me.


I really don’t see a need for the separate feeds you listed given that it’s easy to search for particular episodes or types of episodes, and/or to create playlists of episodes based on individual tastes/interests. What might be useful, though, would be to put all seasons and episodes of each of the scripted series together into separate feeds (or perhaps even just provide a list of the relevant episode numbers in sequential order for each series), because it can be a hassle to find and order all of those episodes (especially for the multi-season series that span a lot of years, such as Get Bezos).


As someone who mainly listens to the regular ad-free episodes, I can say that the current patreon feed was kind of exhausting to navigate for a long time. I have now learned to "filter" it, like I know the ones I'm looking for start with the episode number so my eyes find them more easily nowadays, and then I download them so they're all in the same place and I won't have to do that filtering every time I'm looking for something to listen to. So for me it sounds like a wonderful idea to offer separate feeds :) but it's manageable as is, so only if it's not too much of a hassle.


And for me personally, I would want the ad-free episodes and the patreon exclusive new content episodes in one feed, but I'm guessing from your description that that is a no-go. And one feed with story only eps - if they come out at the same time as the regular episodes.


I love this idea, and I love the direction you're heading. It sounds like this level of granularity may be too complicated, but separate feeds for TV recaps and episodically modular would also be welcome, if the opportunity ever arises.


I don’t see a need for a separate feed. But if you do create new ones, I think an all intro feed, an all night feed, or a combined feed with both of those would be nice.


I don’t know that a separate feed would be useful here, but it wouldn’t upset me if it happened. I just have one main playlist that I add onto or I search for specific episodes that I know I enjoy/find particularly sleepy.


im not sure how helpful ill be here because i dont know all the ins and outs of what this entails. I will add some feedback that i personally LOVE Ray episodes, (and Nanna ((something about that NY accent)))....there may already exist a way to search for that but I dont know of it (maybe because youre already doing an AMAZING job of keeping me company while i fall asleep). Either way, thanks Scoots. You do amazing work. Keep it up!


I would like a story-only feed. The biggest challenge for me is sorting through the hundreds of episodes to find ones I like for a playlist. I wish there was some way to streamline process or save playlists.


Mostly, i avoid the story only episodes. and there are so many of them. I wish I could filter them out.so separating them out into a different feed would be amazing. My favorites are the intros-only episodes, then the regular episodes.


I thought this seemed like an unnecessary idea, since it's pretty easy to search and make playlists of shows I like to keep on hand. But reading the comments, I guess some podcast apps are better at this than others. It's nice that you're always considering listeners needs.


Honestly, I just wish I could find a casting app that lets me create playlists of mixed episodes from several different podcasts like on Spotify, but of course one that gives access to the ad free eps from the several that I support via Patreon. Anyone found one? Pocketcast is a nay. The Google one is also no joy unless I just haven't found that option, it would have to be hidden awfully well. Though the Goo programmers and I think quite differently as I often struggle with best searching terms on their products and help files so -shrug-.

Sleep With Me Podcast

I would try icatcher but it does take a lot of reading to learn to use, but that is the app I use to set up bunch of podcasts including ones I pay for on my runs. You just have to read all the how-tos on their site or see if there are any youtube videos out there about it.