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Did you know you get story-only episodes twice a week, and that there are hundreds and hundreds you can use to build your playlists?



my calm down, settle in ritual includes the intro...so I like the full episodes best, but the story-only are a nice change-up


My faves are the reading of anything...Frequent Flyers, catalogs, old essays. My next faves are personal stories from the past, followed closely by GBBO.


First off I want to thank you for all that you do! Love you, thank you! Second: makes no difference to me when the story only comes out because I know what I like and I work around you. Please please just keep doing what you're doing. Took some getting use to, but you are perfect 🥰


Call me crazy, but I love the "intro only" episodes...maybe because I perform improv. There is an "improv" vibe to the intros that I love. Please don't ever take those away!


I like the current release schedule. For the nights when I only want to listen to a single episode, I can see a variety of episodes right there in the feed without scrolling too much. Sometimes I skip entire series and wait for the all night compilation.


As someone who listens to almost everything in the patron feed, I think of story-only episodes as "let's revisit a story you heard a while ago", and would probably encounter a bit of "hmm, I think I've just heard this one, so it feels a bit repetitive" if they were to come out at the same time. Ultimately it doesn't matter too much, as I kind of pick episodes at random. It might just mean that I need to pay more attention to titles to avoid hearing a repeat within the same week.


If I'm lucky I don't make it to the stories as the Intros put me to sleep unless I'm having an unusually hard time falling asleep. So I love the all Intros but don't listen to the Story only ones even though the Stories are very good. (But not as sleep-inducing as Intros.)


I prefer story only episodes and like getting them as soon as possible, though I'm fine as long as I get them eventually


I build my play list every 2 days according to what appeals to me at the time Sometimes I include the same episodes several times because I'm never awake to hear them


Hi! I really like the introductions, and mostly fall asleep shortly after they slide into the story. If I listen to story only episodes, I get interested in the story and it is difficult to fall asleep. I need the extra time that the introductions offer to fall asleep.


If there's no intro, I skip. 🤷‍♂️


I make my own playlist of shows each night, so what is easiest for you is still going to make me happy. Also I have really enjoyed subscriber summer with all kinds of new shows!!!


I listen to both story-only and intro-included. I jump around and listen to maybe a newer, sometimes a much older one, or even one I didn’t think I’d like (and I generally do like it!). My vote is in the don’t really care count. Subscriber Summer has been nice. Thanks for that!


I don’t care when the story only episodes come out, however as a Patreon subscriber I would absolutely love an option to have a feed with exclusively story only episodes.


This doesn't really pertain to the poll question, but I wish I could search for "(Full)" in Pocketcast and get a filtered list of all (and ONLY) full episodes in the same way that searching for "(Story Only)" gives you just the story only episodes. This not only would help me create a queue of full episodes (my favorite) easier, but they also would help me filter out the Posty deluxe episodes (which are truly beautiful, but aren't "sleepy" for me).

Sleep With Me Podcast

Thanks Donnie, we are looking at the cost in time and resources to do this and trying to find a platform where we can spread out the feeds like this. Once we know how much it will cost I will have a better idea of if we can offer it and how many supporters at what level it would take to make it work.


I tend to download everything and put it in a big playlist that by default won't delete episodes that are played, so I can delete them manually after I think I've heard the whole thing. Every night I start in a different place, or in the middle of last night's episode if I don't remember hearing the ending. When I listen to a full episode, I usually won't choose the corresponding story-only one until a few weeks later. So effectively I've been doing "more than two weeks" on my own. I like a bit of repetition, but I also like that there's a variety of episodes that come out in one week, because for some episode types (written story or anything Boredom Institute) I listen to right when they come out. But if it's an episode type I don't care about as much, I'll either go back to the playlist (my 'backlog', though I always keep my fave episodes in it) or listen to the latest story-only or intros-only episode. Ps: My playlist is 54 episodes right now, but only 8 haven't been fully played. 7 of those are story-only (the 8th is intros-only) that I will get to eventually. Pps: Would you consider releasing an "All Antonio Banderas" episode? Just containing those segments, not the stories. I keep wanting to write down all the things you've compared his hair/smile/etc to, but I usually forget by the morning. It makes me laugh either way. :) I think "icicles being played as an instrument by angels" is the best one I remember!