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Hi people.

Has been 14 months since I joined patreon and I'm currently earning $750 and it have not rise since some time ago. I am concerned about my failures as a creator but I still wanna know  your thoughts give some suggestions for me to improve your experience as patrons.  

Even if you are patron or not maybe you can point out some of these issues of why I don't get more patrons:

  • 1-Just commit your goals as you should and you'll be fine
  • 2-You used to do stuff I liked and you are not doing it anymore
  • 3-You are not working on enough pictures
  • 4-You need to extend your patron-tier to more attractive stuff like...
  • 5-Your stuff is not liked by so many people, deal with it!
  • 6-Your quality is not good enough
  • 7-You need to promote yourself better

 You can also add any other points I didn't mention here

Thnx for taking your time to write :)



You need to commit to your monthly goals


This shouldn't matter and doesn't matter to me but if you were to do more adult work , porn and such. I believe you would get more people and also do it more often.

shard zerune

4_ you make amazing content but now alot of us like me have the money to reach the really high goal so if you can make the second more rewarding wil like a story with your pics not a long one but short would be great or like mouthly exclusive pics?

Darth Cabbage

Alas, I don't know man. it's very difficult to find something that would entertain the masses. I don't know if I can be any help, constructive criticism is not my strong suit, and I am not an artist, by any means. But as my view as someone who likes art: I personally feel that you've gotten a little "same size" with a lot of your creations... I've found that for the most part, (Outside of commissions) you haven't done as many of the really massive girls, that drew me to you in the beginning. But again, that is just my personal thought on this matter...


I have (and still) do stuff like that, not very often but I have been considering to do so, thnx for your suggestion!


I wanted to do both ones, short and long stories, you know, to not doing the same thing the whole time

Profe MacKnight

i believe the problem is nr7. Need to find a way to promote yourself more. no idea how im afraid :(

Fake Name

Principally 3, I assume. Also, only pinups get boring. You have a bunch of comics that have apparently stalled. pick them up, even if they're only sold outside of patreon.


The work you do is a bit of 3 & 7. It's hard to advertise yourself in this sort of a market, sometimes joining other art galleries (furaffinity, pix, and even 4chan) and doing reposts there can help spread. The work to advertise yourself can be time consuming but it's not about being loud, but wide; hit as many sites as often as you can. Another interesting thing that was noted by an artist (Ross from Game Grumps) he made the comment that he made more money showing his art process than the result of the art. You've done this well with showing us sketches before the full color (Which is good), but what I think you could benefit from is unfinished work being shown. Give us sketches and drop them afterwards. You kind of do this with us voting for the one out of nine to color, but that still requires you to put further lineart and prepare for color to be applied. Don't feel obligated to give us full-color work for every sketch session.

Ross Kandlbinder

The biggest disappointment in the last couple of months for myself personally has been the lack of narrative between pictures and the fact that a lot of your pictures have been "set photo shoot poses" rather than ones that have a story. To clarify I don't mean the stories of your comics and such, but stories like "busty girl at the gym being stared at by men through a mirror" or "three very busty girls looking for bras at the mall" being told without words or different frames but just how the characters look with the background. Comparing your recent Rogue with a snake picture to a much earlier one you did where she is plugging herself into a expansion machine joyfully, the latter is more provocative to me than the static pose. One of my favorite series is from SaburoX of Fang, where a simple premise is expanded upon to create a story over 20+ seperate images. He has done similar work with other characters and has recently begun to build a world by connecting several previously thought to be separate images together. If doing a full story with comics with your full detailed art style is too time consuming to do regularly, then a set of single images with one a week/fortnight that outline a simple story (maybe in a less detailed format to save time) could be a good thing to catch interest. An example could be like that single page comic of a blond growing each frame, but instead each frame is a single image outlining her expansion/daily life/ challenges. You have a good stable of original characters/organisations that haven't seen any recent character moments. Like I suggested a few streams ago I would like to see more scenarios with the boob shop from tricky earbuds dealing with customers than static images. Also as a side note, maybe hold off a week/month before posting images from patron on deviantart, "why buy the cow if you get the milk for free". I hope this has been helpful. You are still one of May favorite expansion artist.

Huckleberry Finn

Love your work, and I consider myself lucky that people like yourself exist and create the art that you do. Also, it's very brave to ask for feedback in a public forum! I can tell you that I only support a handful of artists on patreon, but the ones that I feel most appreciative of are the ones with ongoing comics and occasional pinups. A story does two things: 1. it tends to show growth process, which is very important to me and 2. it keeps my curiosity piqued for what will happen next. The pinups are your forte as few can compare to your photorealistic 3Dish art, but it might be good to explore more sequential art even if you choose not to include dialogue.


I would agree that you do need to promote yourself a bit more. Perhaps do some art trades with other popular BE artists or illustrate a story or two by popular authors. While your work is of very nice quality, it is more than I *personally* feel comfortable paying for a commission. You might try an experiment and produce work differently than you currently do. What about producing a few more pieces each month, but some of them are sketches or patron requests randomly chosen?


2. I would also like to see more narrative. I like some of your original characters and enjoy seeing them in intimate situations. They used to be in narrative comics, but not as much anymore. Also, a lot of your earlier work is more graphically sexual, and more recently a lot of your pieces don't have nudity. If there were a higher cost tier for nude versions of the non-nude work, I'd be willing to pay extra for that. I would also be willing to pay for commissions if they were available, either sketches or full color pieces.


There is something I have been always curious about, is the fact no commissioner has ever requested for sexual topics. Commissioners always ask me about big butts, hips, lips, furries but no sex scene so I figured my followers weren't interested in that kind of stuff

Sonic Sophie

Hi I can only comment for myself but I guess I kind of noticed that you post a patreon image at the same time as DA so I makes it a bit redundant being a patreon when essentially you can get the same content for free on DA. Now I'm not saying don't post to DA what I'm thinking is in order to capture more admirers on here would be to stagger them and to possibly make some stuff Patron only and post an image on DA declaring that the unwatermarked version is available to Patreons just a thought. I also have to say that over my time supporting different artists on here (not as much as I'd like but hey I'm a struggling artist to) I've noticed that the ones that do really well are the ones that post regular comics and stories to patreon well ahead of or even not at all to DA take Kannel for instance she's producing images and comics to Patreon that only appear on DA 1 or even 2 months later. People will pay to get stuff earloer than anyone else. Just a thought. It was also mentioned about advertising yourself this is great but it all depends on how you intend on doing this of course things like colabs with other popular artists is a great tool to expand your client base as is doing streams and it's is always worth delving into areas you haven't been before. My art skills are only just growing and this is something that has helped me but for me I kind of stuck with one area and I guess that's why I'm not as popular as some other peeps. I mean I look back at all your work and am completely amazed at how incredible your work is and truly think you deserve far more than 750 ... if I could I would but there are others out there that feel strongly about getting something for their money rather than just supporting an artist. It's a sad state of affairs but that's the world we live in these days. Well that's my tuppence worth lol hope it helps...


Your Patreon is already doing very well. The support level is on par or higher than other similar artists. You already are well established on deviantart and tumblr, so I think you can't do much more on the promotion. And remember, NSFW patreons are not listed in search results. Higher tiers for raffles or requests seem to be popular, Carmessi for example has a request stream tier that has way more patrons than watchers who actually show up on the stream. Some patrons like to show their support with the highest available tier I guess.


I love your work, and the streams are super cool, but most of your girls are clothed all the time. And you don't have to do long comics. Check out Ricky Java's work. He does a different type of art, but a series of 5 pictures of the same girl with different views, and with less clothing in each pic might be a way to go.


My personal experience as your long time supporter and 5 $ Patron: I like your art and think it is unquestionable one of the best and for sure the best I know in it's field. That's why I'm supporting you. It is more of a appreciation than doing it for the actual rewards, because they're lacking a bit. In the beginning you posted your picture-content on Patreon as well as deviantart, while Patrons became higher resolution pictures. While I'm quite glad to get the good quality pngs, it's not like the normal pictures of deviantart wouldn't have me covered enough - as long as you don't want to print the pictures on A3 or something the quality is good enough. The comics however remained on patreon, and this in a steady flow. So this was the main reason for me to become patron. I always liked your comics and surely wanted to have them. This situation changed a bit with the release of "Did you say moo?". The comics were posted on DA as well as on Patreon. As well as the normal pics. So it got me thinking "why stay patreon?" - I decided to stay because it's not too much money for me as well as I really appreciate your art. Since September 2016 or so the next big hit came: No release of comics and/or other art in general. I think a little pause isn't a bad thing and continued my support - until 1-2 Month later, were I actually stopped because of the lack of content. You began releasing again, I'm happy and so I continued support. But, to make those points clear: The comics-goals should be released at some time - I don't think it's bad when you take a break and give notice about that, but for some it's the main reason to stay.. The differentiation between DA and Patron is nearly not given. There's little extra value of being a supporter. I think you should keep somewhat of the content exclusive IF you want to have more supporters. For example: Just give away the first three or four pages of a comic as an appetizer. Or keep the comics Patreon exclusive completely and just advertise them on DA. In the end, keep up the good art - I love it

Blake Isaac Gordon

First, can you explain how 750 a month is what you consider "A Failure as a Creator"? Have you seen some of the author Patreon pages of 0 supporters 0 revenue? As per the ASPE poverty guidelines of a single person household you’re still 2000 short of the 11,000 a year to be considered living in poverty. If you are using this statistic as your guide for success then I might understand your concern. But by my quick check you added roughly 10-12 posts for this month, and let’s say you spend 8 hours a day per post, that means you are working on average 22-25 hours a week. That is damn amazing. PS Your art is amazing and you are one outstanding colorist, if you ever post a tutorial on your coloring process then I will definitely click the top right orange button.


Well the art quality is certainly to a very high standard. The consistency does leave a bit to be desired. If you compare yourself with Balloon Dolls who has a similar number of paterons but makes over $4000 per month. As most of his paterons are paying $20 If you were to add another $10 tier that guaranteed one comic (patreon only) page i would certainly be up for that. at $20 I think you'd be talking at least 3 pages from a comic strip. I wouldnt expect every month but 90% of the time with some apologies if you cant make it (some times things just get in the way) sorry .... been a bit of a rushed reply.


You are a very good artist, but you are _terrible_ at self-presentation and communication. A few examples: Besides asking for opionions when you are posting a sketch, you most of time remain silent. And even then we don't get much feedback from you about our feedback. Of course there will always be the "Just make them bigger"-post because that just *is* our fetish. But maybe posting a follow-up sketch where you tell us what comments you considered and what not (and why) wouldn't be to hard. We also don't know how you came up with that sketch most of the time. What stuff do you really like, what is okay to be requested, what not? I know you don't do other expansion besides breast but that information should be good to find so you don't get requests you won't take - but it's not. Communication feels very one-sided - there is a "community" tab on your patreon page that you ignored completly till one month ago and maybe have already forgotten again. You went MIA for more then a month in which you may have been hit by a bus for all we knew. You also promised to make up for the comic pages you did not deliver the posted Did You Say Moo 7 which was the one last comic page you posted for almost four month. Also I have written you a PM (asking for PSD/HQ of "Molly Red") and haven't gotten a reply till now. And please don't delete your sketches/polls with our comments - it feels like you throw away our opinions. I like the fruit girls btw and would have loved to see the last ones posted as well. Another thing is you are bad at is time managment. Honestly I don't have the slightest idea of how much time it takes for you to (a) come up with a idea, (b) get the sketch done you are sastisfied with, (c) do the colouring, background etc. I however see that you on the overview of your patreon page that you promised three full coloured comic pages with the current milestone. I have bought Scary Comic 2 back in July 2014 and when you started the patreon I had the hope that the next volume would then come out faster but besides the teaser cover you posted back in Dec 2015 I can only help that will come out after Tricky Earbuds sometimes after Did You Say Moo... maybe? Last but not least your single pictures get a bit same-y. Most of them are frontal and tame. I'd like to see a lot more variations: boobs from the back and the side (as in "Clever Soldier"), from a low angle (like in "Lisa Lapdance") and so on. And have your girls in group picture and maybe do Wallpapers too. I conclude with saying that you are a great artist and I have and will continue to support you. But you asked.


Another idea, although hotly debated, is the pay wall. Showing some pieces exclusively on your patreon will mean people will have to pay to see everything. Granted, not everyone would be thrilled by this idea and you would have to ensure you're making enough material for both exclusive and general presentation.


When I said "failures" I was talking about my inconsistency on my works and monthly goals not regarding my earnings


You did also disappear for several months.


I do enjoy your works, I stayed with you while you went quiet but I do agree with others a lot about it may have been from your disappearance more so than anything else.


This last month I think's been really good, but I feel like maybe you're doing too many pin ups, something that was a little upsetting was not seeing any more "DID YOU SAY MOO?" updates for months on end, that being said you did upload 3 new pages in a week but after the last one was in October and the one before that was when June? A guaranteed comic update every 2 weeks or something would be grate. Otherwise 4-You need a higher patron-tier reword. may I suggest a monthly raffle for a chance to win for a free commission if you pay $10 per month? I'd certainly go for that and it would mean you wont need to withhold content form anyone.


The recent silence didn't help. I don't mind the pin-ups, it's what you do most of the time. I'd suggest maybe a raffle for a commission or open up like two or three spots a month or two.


First off I love your artwork and you are my all time favorite artist for this type of artwork. But I do agree with a lot of the comments on here as to making most if not all of your stuff patreon exclusive so that we feel like we are essentially getting the benefit of funding you. I think the polls for your hi rez pin-ups are good however like a lot of people my suggestion is in the 3 and 4 comments you posted. Keeping up with the comic pages and pin ups is the first suggestion. I really like the idea of having a higher patreon tier reward or giving a little extra to the highest one for those who pay more like that raffle for a free commission for your higher tiers each month or something similar to that. The last thing is have you ever considered adding a little more strictly BE type content? What about another poll where you would ask patreons to vote what character they want to see in a BE sequence panel something like these: <a href="http://escapefromexpansion.deviantart.com/art/Tifa-and-B-E-Necklace-539784618" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://berggie.deviantart.com/art/Sketchy-April-206076721</a> <a href="http://escapefromexpansion.deviantart.com/art/Tifa-and-B-E-Necklace-539784618" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://escapefromexpansion.deviantart.com/art/Tifa-and-B-E-Necklace-539784618</a> for examples. It might just be personal opinion but I feel this would provide a nice addition to your content and an almost half way point between just pin-ups and comic pages. They would not have to be as high end as your pinups but maybe a similar style to your comics. I just think they would add a nice touch to see the BE growth in one image as it progresses especially in your art style and help appeal to and draw in more BE fans on top of those who like busty girls. In the end it would be something like 2 pinups, 2 BE sequence images, the high tier raffle image and most importantly the comic pages each month (obviously up to you this is just a guess) that way there is a constant flow of content and being all patreon exclusive should help as well. You could always use the raffle image or parts of the comic or sequences to advertise on DA with a " for more content and images like these support me on patreon" type comment attached at the bottom or something. Just an idea, there is a lot of good advice on here that I agree with as well.


That's really a personal opinion but I am always struggling to not posting girls with such sizes very often because the poses use to be pretty much the same.


Thnx for your opinion. I'll see if I can promote myself better in some way :)


You are right. I'll work on more action poses and background stories for my pictures. Thnx for your opinion :)


Posting only sketches is not very much my thing. It's hard to me not finishing an idea in full color. Sorry I have to disagree on this, I want quality rather then quantity. Thnx for your honesty though :)


About posting my picture on DA, I felt it was like disappointing my followers but I'm afraid I have to do that. And about the narrative I've been also afraid to be always doing the same thing the whole time, not to mention my most popular pictures in DA are mostly the ones without narrative, however I'll try to vary between both ones (narrative and only pinups). Thank you very much for your help :)


I may try some little sequences of 3 or 4 pictures. Thnx for supporting me and your help :)


About working with other artists sounds good! Indeed I have always had in mind about doing that however I've also felt that those artists and/or fans may think I'm trying to take advantage of the fame of those artists to make money so I decide to not doing so :( and I actually have a couple of projects in mind to work with someone else.


Don't get me wrong! I'm happy about earning $750 (now $660 DX) but you know one always wonders if I could get some more to pay bills. Regarding posting on DA one month later it's an idea I haven't felt very comfortable to do since I thought it was kinda like betraying my followers in DA but I suppose I have to do so. And finally about working with other artists sounds good! You are not the first one suggesting this to me however I've felt that those artists and/or fans may think I'm trying to take advantage of the fame of those artists to make money so I decide to not doing so :(


Thnx I may include the streams for a tier. And btw I'm not registered as a "NSFW" artist because that reason you mentioned.


like working on short and long comics. That's why I posted the Lara Comic and now I'm working on a 20-pages comic. So when I finish DID YOU SAY MOO? I'll get back to short comics


And regarding nudes. I've been working on those like the Molly picture plus the comics so... Anyway, thnx for your opinion I'll keep it in mind :)


You're right on all your points. Specially the Patreon-DA thing and I'll change that to make worth for my patrons to support me. And I really appreciate you support me despite those months of absence :D thank you very much for your opinion.


I'll add more higher-tiers with extra content. However what you are suggesting about a higher number of comic pages per tier makes not too much sense since I set that for goals. I still appreciate your opinion though, thnx :)


I feel really sad cause your words and that proves you're right! I had no idea my communication thing was that bad and neither about you took that way about me deleting the sketch posts, it was never my intention disrespect you at all. I suppose my personality didn't allow me to see that. Not to mention I'm a very distracted person so that's why I noticed about the community tab so late. And I had no idea you cared about all my thoughts about the process that is not related with graphics, I thought that would be boring for you people and I decide to save all that and only leaving the stuff you cared about. I really appreciate you took the time to say this and please do NOT hesitate to point out any other flaw about my communication skills. Thnx :)


Yeah and I can't blame you people, thank you for staying despite my silence all those months :D


I was thinking about that raffle idea too but I have to think about it! thank you very much for your help!


The raffle is something I have to think about! thnx for your opinion and ideas :)


I feel like a good next step would be to involve us in what and how you want to change in the future.


And just like a lot of the comments you are right! I'll be posting more than just pin ups, commit the goals for comics, exclusive posts for you (at least for a while) and I have to think about the raffle. However I don't feel I can take your suggestion about sequences like that, that means getting lower quality on my pictures and I like to work sequences only on comics. However that's why I'm working on short comics like the Lara Croft one. If I force myself to work on stuff I don't get inspired I won't give you the best stuff I can offer to you. Remember quantity is not equal quality. Although I really appreciate your help and I'll keep in mind all your suggestions, thnx :)