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This is the final page of 3rd installment. I hope you have enjoyed it so far. I wanna know your thoughts about this part (positive and/or negative but keep your critics constructive)

I'll being part 4 next month. So if you missed all pages of Scary comic part 3 you can  buy it and all previous installments HERE

Español tambien incluido para las partes 3 en adelante.

Flats by Rokasta




While what happened on the last page I didn't expect. Sure makes me want to see what happens next great work as always Mangrowing :)


Heheh, little item cameo, loving these hijinks. I have to ask who that girl on page 5 is? Counting the cast members who've been replaced she's an extra so it's weird that she's just there


This comic is gonna have several cameos. But in case you really wanna know, look this movie "Evil Dead" (2013)

Kondri János

I quite appreciated the whacky humour in it beside the obvious stuff. And I love to see the Megalomania just take over her as she is getting closer to her goal but the universe just keeps testing her resolve. Time for Doom