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This is probably one of the  longest timed work I ever made.

I had to redone several shades and effects to get the one I like the most or the nearest one XD but at least I learned some stuff here. I hope you like it :)

The PSD file and Hi RES picture will be sent to my $5 patrons who have been supporting me for more than one month through message. Don't worry if you are a new supporter you can get your links next month.



Sonic Sophie

Incredible work hun xxx I'd love to know how you did the glow in the book. It's something I've been trying to create for months not and still can't get anywhere near as good xxx


It looks amazing and you can tell a lot of time was put into it. The detail is superb and the glow effect on the book is particularly impressive. Keep up the great work man!


Master, did you find that levitation spell already? I could swear they are getting bigger.


Well I just made it up but trust me there many tutorials that show how to create much better effects than this

Blake McLean

I imagine Apprentice, frustrated over never getting a straight answer to her request, sneaking in while Her Witch is away and "Borrowing" the book. She just want's a little boost after all, nothing wrong with that, Right?

Blake McLean

Love the contrast between the greedy sexy look the Witch has and the cute hopeful (almost desperate) look of the Apprentice.