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I'm liking this character. This piece was really a challenge however there is something on the coloring and shading here that I feel is still off.

Enjoy :)

High resolution image, PSD, tutorial  and video files will be sent through a Patreon message at 1st of next month




Waiting for more "Did you say Moo?" 😁

Jesse Rivera

I love this. But yes, can't wait for more "Did You Say Moo?"


Awesome and lovely as always!!


Looking at some gameplay footage I think the colour issue is her skin and hair. The video game appears to have saturated the reds a bit more, making her hair more red and her skin more brown. Makes for a great contrast with the green wolf. If I had to guess. Also, She got nice hips.


Yeah, that color contrast and saturation work for the anime style, but my style is not anime though.