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Voting for MoPoll 38 opens today!

Character: https://www.strawpoll.me/17911257
Theme: https://www.strawpoll.me/17911261

Voting closes on May 10th. $10+ patrons can e-mail me at x52patreon@yahoo.com with extra votes

And here’s a fraction of the commissions I’ve done lately! You can download via zip or individually

1- ModelTimestop (as zip)- A model is timestopped, has her clothes replaced with bodypaint, then has her legs spread, tats added, etc, then used/bukkake, then time is resumed so all the pleasure/sensations hit at once

2- Armor Comm (as zip)- A bunch of kobolds and a few goblin slaves team up together to wear one large suit of armor, pretending to be a regular armored person. Big boobs, futa

3- Comm Eggnog (as one png)- Haruhi from that one famous anime, with a lactating udder, groping another girl from the anime who is preg and laying eggs, while Haruhi comments that they need milk and eggs for eggnog for their Christmas party (Hell yeah)

4- Multi TF Comm (as zip, or png files indiv labelled as “MULTITF #” with # as letter)
  Multiple TF; multiple boobs, arms, dicks. Some with preg, some with eggs
A- Bondage, lactation, multiple boobs, huge preg, cow udder milked, girl on girl
B- More ‘casual’ wear (multi boobs, multi bras), huge preg
C- Same girl as A and B, but in a bunnygirl outfit. Bunny ears on the dicks!
D- (Fallout) Deathclaw girl, preg and laying eggs. Multi boobs and arms
E- (Fallout) Two deathclaw futa girls with one begging to be fucked. Multi boobs, arms
F- (Fallout) Deathclaw girl with deathclaw –taur half, multi boobs/arms/dicks, welcoming you to Quarry Junction with a hug
G- (Fallout) Deathclaw girl absorbing various other girls in Quarry Junction. Egg laying, dicks, multiple boobs, absorption, fire crotch, titty variation
H- (Fire Emblem) Severa having just grown a bunch of extra limbs and being tsundere about it

Download ALL FILES zip to get everything in one go!

