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Voting for next MoPoll opens today! Voting ends on the 10th

Character: https://www.strawpoll.me/17733370
Theme: https://www.strawpoll.me/17733374

($10+ patrons can e-mail me at x52patreon@yahoo.com with extra votes)

And some pics

1- Dem Jeans: In all honesty I have no idea if I’ve posted this before. It’s really old (late 2017) but I have it in a folder implying I posted it on Patreon, but I can’t find the p- basically if you’ve seen it, my bad. Aik in jeans with hidden toys

2- z3-21 concrete wall- Girls built into concrete wall, public use

3- Comm- KateTimeStop- Kate (Life is Strange) time-stop humiliation (dif clothes, bukkake, tape stretching face)



Abraham McNeil

DemJeans is one of my ancient favorites.