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[NOTE: Due to Patreon’s policy against non-con sex, I’ve had to remove images implying non-con sex. Any remaining images are consensual, depicting willing parties participating in sexual acts. If you have any questions about this change, please contact me at eiklowain@yahoo.com ]

No homo :^)
(Jk, half homo)

But wow what the fuck, I planned to draw fanart and I actually followed through with the plan?! In three full images?? And two focus on dudes?! (And there's no pun on their name being 'Seed'?!) This never happens. Also originally it was going to be just the lady to the left, but I quite like the two dudes and somehow that was enough to make me go through agonizing hours to finish the pics.

No spoilers, just references
Speaking of, minor spoiler warning for this description- No direct story spoilers but I’ll give my opinion on and reference things in-game, so all Far Cry talk will be at the bottom of this post so it’s easy to avoid.

I have a lot more I was supposed to post but didn’t due to concerns with file sizes, so this’ll do for now!
Comm- StarWars BeforeAfter
I’ve been told to give credit to NinjaKitty who designed this character, who you can see in her pic here- http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/NinjaKitty/224967/Nomad48---123-Square-6
Comm- FalloutNV SilusBoyd
I really love Fallout NV so this was especially fun.
If you know the game, this is Lt. Boyd and Silus from that one mission involving them
Comm- CumDrinkingDana
A whole bunch of cum and a bimbofied muscular girl drinking it. Character is based on the WWE wrestler, Dana

Far Cry 5 (no direct spoilers but I comment on things from the game so avoid this if you don’t want to be spoiled, just in case)

(About Far Cry general)
So! Far Cry actually never appealed to me before, but I finally decided to give the games a try, and holy fuck, big fan. Gonna try 3 next month when I get back to my ps3.

Anyhow, I started with Far Cry Primal (Thank God- I mean I had a shitton of fun but that game absolutely pales in comparison to the others. I see why fans complain about it)
Then played Far Cry 4, and I don’t think I’ve fallen in love with a game faster than with 4. Within like 2 minutes I was already absolutely loving the game. Also honestly the biggest driving factor for me to play it was to see or even hear more of a certain charming character. I also couldn’t be happier with how the game ended, as I was really worried they’d go a certain direction, but they didn’t.

(About Far Cry 5)
And then I recently finished Far Cry 5- Honestly it took me a little while to warm up to it, but after beating it I can say I love this game. I also think how it ended was great, though I needed a bit of time to reflect at first.
My absolute favorite ending was the second-longest ending though. Loved it.

I also really love and respect that 5 actually has a villain who can make me feel uncomfortable and uneasy. The way he really just.. stares directly at you for so long, and speaks so slowly, it’s really unnerving. Complete opposite than how I felt with 4.
Aaand I’m playing through 5 a second time, and I didn’t realize until then that the Father’s “white horse” and “hell followed with him” quote is directly referencing Sheriff Whitehorse and you.

Oh about the characters, oddly enough, based on looks alone the character who appealed to me most was Jacob.. which was weird to me because I’m not usually into redheads.
After actually meeting them though, I think I still like Jacob best but John’s ‘methods’ are probably my favorite. I’m into psychology and classical conditioning so I should be into someone else more, but I can’t help but love John’s violent raw sadism. So good
Also it’s good this is all fictional because I don’t think I’d stand a chance against Faith.
And I find it both funny but also understandable that a lot of people seem to find the Father really hot. I like that the two reactions I find to this game are either about the end, or (lustful) comments about the Father.
(I don’t plan on drawing him btw, though I do enjoy the character as well)

(About the pics)
Originally I was supposed to draw just Faith and be done, because she’s a girl and I mostly do straight porn, and also I couldn’t see myself drawing the dudes (especially my favorite since his skin has rashes/scarring and it seemed difficult), but the next day I had some ideas and somehow was able to execute them.

Took me fucking hours though. Jacob’s pic took fucking forever because I couldn’t figure out how to draw his face, and I’m still not 100% confident with it. I repeatedly had to go back and change things, and I even went back today and changed his expression before saving the png files.
Also I took a long time just trying to figure out how people hold sniper rifles, because not all the ref images I saw had that big thing towards the back, and I couldn’t’ figure out how the arm would go around it and agghh. Yo I even watched part of a playthrough to try to see how big his rifle was in comparison to him but I could only get a long-distance shot so I had to guess.
I almost gave up but I reaaally like that weapon and wanted to challenge myself to include it. Glad I did.

And John’s tattoos are just annoying haha, but overall his pic may have taken me the least amount of time

z5-13 Faith Seed- The Bliss
She looks different in-game to her loading screen pic so I mostly based this on her loading screen pic because she’s so hot there. Not sure if she really looks like her, but I like how it turned out nonetheless

z5-14 Jacob Seed- Only You
Fun Fact: That collar can be found in-game. I think it’s somewhere randomly in his bunker but I saw it and screenshotted it for some reason, then found it again later when planning the pic.
(I later realized that they probably just use it on the Judges, but the Judges actually wear different collars so..)

I am OBSESSED with “Only You” by The Platters (1955), holy fuck. I’ve been starting the past 3 days by listening to it on repeat. It’s so fun to sing along to.

Anyway he’s my favorite but this was such an agonizing long pain to draw, probably because I really wanted him to look right, so I hope it at least looks ok.
(+There being a male and female version is a reference to how you can choose gender in the game.)

z5-14 John Seed- Say Yes
He seems like he’d make a cute sub.

Also I find the thought adorable and hilarious of him getting so frustrated with you not saying Yes, that he rips your pants off of you and starts to sexually pleasure you in a desperate attempt to get you to say Yes already.

At first you’ll think huh, this actually isn’t bad!
Until he gets increasingly impatient and gets more and more rough.
Who knows what he’ll do next.. 

Sidenote, that’s the other thing I like about this concept- it’s not even a sexual thing for him. He just really, really, really wants you to say Yes. (pls respond)

Idk why I hate to admit it but he’s really attractive in-game. It doesn’t help that he wears a nice vest and has a watch, which are two of my weaknesses. I need to buy a vest like that.

Also uhm, in the torture area in his bunker, there are a bunch of tightly bound bodies in latex hanging from the ceiling. What’s up with that? I spent a good while just staring at everything in that place but nowhere else in the game seems to reference the latex. What was that for?! Is it his side kink that he imposes onto people when he’s horny? I mean I’m not judging, believe me, I just want to know what’s up with that

Tldr; Finally tried playing Far Cry games, now a big fan, and here are three pics of fanart of three of the antagonists

[As always, ALL FILES will get you all files in one go]



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