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Hey everyone!

Sorry I haven't been too active lately, I'm so busy with schoolwork I barely have time to do art. Luckily, I'm taking 3D modeling as one of my classes, and I took the opportunity to make a rig of Doe!

It's still a wip and I can't animate much with it yet, but I'm supposed to produce a very short animation by the end of the semester so that's something to look forward to.

I'm curious, would you guys like to see some 3D animations with her or do you prefer 2D? I mean, I'll probably do both, I'd just like to hear your thoughts~

Thanks for being so patient with me and for supporting me all this time btw! <3




Nice dude. What software you using max or Maya?


i guess i prefer 2D over 3D. But i can't be sure aslong as i haven't seen her in a 3D animation :D


The 3D model looks fantastic! I wouldn't mind seeing a bit of 3D every now and then :P


That looks amazing! It still looks just like doe. Usually 2d characters made into 3D look a bit goofy. But this is really spot on with 2d doe. I'd love to see 3D stuff. But that's a lotta work I must say'~'