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Been wanting to make one of these for a long time, and since it was commissioned by napnap and cstunna (thank you guys btw!) I finally made one!

It's 50x150 cm in size, there's a nude and a lingerie version, and will be available in 2 types of fabric: peach skin (60 USD) and 2-way tricot (80 USD). The design is pretty much final but I may still make a few minor tweaks and adjustments (for example, the creampie in the nude front shot may or may not be in the final version)

Before I can actually start taking orders I'll need to know more or less how many to get printed in this first batch, so if you think you might be interested, send me a DM with the version and fabric type you'd like! And once it's available I'll be sure to send you the details so you can place your order! <3


(I guess you could say it's a... Doekimakura? Sorry, I had to. xD)




All good Alfa. I’ll just need about 3 weeks to save up the dosh needed for them. I’ll have 150 saved by the end of this week, but since it’s the first of April next week and Patreon pledges go out then, I’ll need the time to save up


Is that ment to be a body pellow?


I wish I could by it but my parents would freak out


Me sad


Design looks amazing, I'd definitely be interested in buying one. Just need to wait for the paycheck to come in next month.


I'm definitely interested, but I will need to save up for a couple weeks. But I want one!


A shame that the word Preview has to be plastered over it. It kind of ruined the pics.


Watermarks are a necessary evil, unfortunately.




Goodness. I love this. While I'd love to get one, this is just the cover right? And, to be honest, I'd prefer one for Queen. &lt;3


I would love to get my hands on one, however since I am in Europe and all the import export stuff can be quite annoying to deal with I am guessing it won't happen. However if you don't think it would be a problem I would definitely get one.


Props to napnap and cstunna then! I don't use dakis myself, but the visuals alone are enough owo


That is a tempting one ;O love the design &lt;3 What's the differenc ebetween Peach skin and Tricot though?


The best I can describe it is peach skin is smooth almost kinda like silk and tricot is smooth and soft and a more stretchy fabric it also holds up better than peach skin


This is one of the best dakis I've seen


She's so fucking cute


Just wanted to let you know, the dakis arrived for me these week, and the quality is great, so a big thumbs up from me!