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That's how she does it and it works every time~<3


Sorry I've been slow on arts, for a while now I've been too harsh on myself, making myself think pieces like this (simple poses and angles) aren't good enough, or not worth making, and since I'm still not experienced enough to do very complex ones I was really unmotivated.

But I recently realized I just need to loosen up, and improvement will come naturally over time, and not every single piece needs to be stressful, I can do simple fun drawings like this one and that's okay. <3

Thank you all so much for sticking around, I want to make better and better pieces for you guys to enjoy, but I need to take it easy, and not burn myself out either!




In a heartbeat :3


Wow that's cute


Great as always. Don’t be hard on yourself, with each and every animation, illustration, and doodle you do it continues to inspire me with my own work. So now I just want to thank you, take as much rest you need, me and your other supports will continue to support you.


Adorable~ We dont mind you taking slow. :3


She so cute I would date her even if she doesn't flash me I wish I could be with her she is so super cute and beautiful and adorable and hot and sexy


Your art is worth waiting for.


Exactly! Do you, and progress will come. Stuff like this is amazing in itself, as well!


Always have and always will love your art Alfa. This is a magnificent piece, and happy to have it, and I had no problem waiting for it. I am glad to hear you are being nicer to yourself, that is an important thing that a lot of people have trouble with =)


If she actually flirted with me like this, I MAY accept her offer~ 😏


The direct aproach is good to do x3 Also glad you're less strict on yourself, cus you gotta have fun with what you do too &lt;3 and trust me, doens't need to be high end polished pieces all the time. Doodles, silliness and whatnot are very fine to see as well, cus we do love your stuff a ton~


Your art is always worth showing no matter what and being doe here I would love to see more I’m a big fan of doe like a huge fan

Arty Harty

You and I are in the bandwagon of wanting to make a masterpiece and nothing else. It best to realize that even the simplest pieces are the building blocks for what’s to come for you. We all appreciate your work and want you to do more with the best of your ability. (Also, I’d go out with Doe in a heartbeat after that move of hers)


So I know everyone has already been so supportive but I feel I have to also say that your work is amazing! I love this doodle! At the end of the day we are all patreons because we love your work that much! So you should never worry about what your posting, we will always be appreciative of the work you do.


You don't need to worry about if what you create is good enough; your art is amazing and unique and adorable, and I'm sure many people here agree. Don't force yourself to improve under the notion it's required; you're already doing an amazing job, and improvement will come naturally as you create.


Dont be too hard on yourself for thinking that way your art work is amazing as it is already and everyone here just loves seeing your art work


ill go out with her anyway i can join the next commission?


Impeccable style. 10/10 Flirting Technique.

Beacon of Chaos

Oh sure, when she asks someone out by flashing them it's "cute" and "sexy" but when I do it I'm a "pervert" and "need to leave the restaurant immediately". :/


"Your feelings for her are not real." "They are real to me!"