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Haven't drawn this cutie in a while, thought I'd give her some love. uvu


Also sry I've been generally away, I've actually been working a lot on game dev stuff, but since it's nothing particularly fun to share, I've just been quiet. I'm basically building a core from which to build other games later on, figuring out generic functionality and mechanics I'll probably be using in other projects, just learning and practicing.

I might've focused too much on that though, and I probably should go back to my usual cute and lewd animations soon. Also I'll probably do more pokemon again, so that should be fun. :p



Just an obeserver13

Cuteness overload....too cute save yourselves.....😍😍😍


You can't be missed....if you're always within our hearts~


The cuteness level is over 9000!


I swear if it has that into plush IRL to buy, I will buy it immediately!!!


Yes, yes we are😍😍😍 she’s soooooo adorable and cute.


Thanks for the update! We know how hard the background stuff for games can be.