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Wasn't sure whether to post it here or not but I thought you guys might like it~

Will probably do more of these quick sketchy animations just to be able to get fun ideas out quicker and only clean up the best ones later on. ^^




Heeey, that’s pretty gooood


Should add jealous doe daughter in the background

Arty Harty

You should definitely do the quick sketches. We’ll love seeing your content you upload more often than you did in the past


I bet Maria enjoys going after the guys and gals that are younger than her. Even going after the ones Doe had sex with. I wonder what Doe would look like when she catches her mom in the act.


Oh my... even being quick and sketchy it is really well done Alfa =D... and whoever is in the stall with her is just... mmm damn lucky xD


I vote Yes for more quickies. 😉


I think thats a good idea, for one it lets us know what you're working on, it also allows us to give you feedback on spots the animation can be improved etc


Um, no...I don't like it. In fact........I LOVE it~!!! 🤤 💕


Definitely! I'm sure he'll be quite motivated to study hard the rest of the semester. ;p


I vote these sketches should continue


oooh will this include her drinking cum slow?


Another vote for adding these sketches! It's nice seeing what you're working on and how a work may potentially develop if you "finalize" it. If nothing else, I certainly won't argue with more content :)

Lord Vaust

Definitely need a finished version. One where there is a “finish” if ya catch my drift ;)


Aside from the cute mom, the animation is way smoother, that's a big improvement!