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EDIT Jan 18: Lowered the difficulty but the original can still be played as a Hard mode option. Rewards are the same for both. Restarting the quiz reduces the intro dialogue to make it quicker.

And another minor update.. fixed a bug with the dialogue and sped up the typing of questions.


EDIT Jan 10: I updated the game file in the NG link and attachment with some bug fixes. If you find any others let me know!


The game I started a long time ago as a milestone reward is finally done. You can play it on Newgrounds!

I mean it's just a preview right now, haven't published it. If there's any major bugs I might go back and fix them, so if you find any let me know! (Btw, not totally sure if browsers save data, seems to work for some people but not others.. not much to do about that)

Oh and added a downloadable version as an attachment. I think that one only works on Firefox though. The Newgrounds link should work on Chrome too.




Could you add an easy mode?


Last question I got wrong.


If my classes were more like this I probably wouldn't have changed majors

Stratus Wind

Okay, that prize was definitely worth the headache ;P Only took me 4 tries to get a perfect score, so at least I'm not TOO terrible xD

Arty Harty

I would like to report a bug. It happened when I finished the quiz. As Doe tells you what the result is, the timer keeps going even after I answered the last question. I think it's triggered after you click restart while Doe is talking.

Stratus Wind

I noticed that, too. Kinda glad it wasn't just me and my imagination.


It saids to my chrome on the doe's quiz newgrounds version that it will not work because my browser does not support webGL? Is there anyway I can fix it?


Oh that's annoying, seems it has happened to others too and I have no idea why. It hasn't happened to me and it doesn't seem to happen every time so I can't test it.


Are there any new scenes for this new version? And is the perfect score scene is the same one in the previous versions? Or is it a new one?


Some new dialogue but no new scenes. I did have one in mind but I'd rather spend the time creating something new instead.


I spent 40 minutes to beat it. Perhaps having an option to speed up dialogue to allow for faster attempts would be nice? A large part of my annoyance of getting one of the last ones wrong was crawling through the questions again. And for an “Easy mode” you could just disable or elongate the timer?

Noah Goodsell

I did pretty good I got 7 out of ten and it was fun ill try for a perfect score next time though


for me the 10th question seems to always be bugged, no mater what choice I pick, the counter continues to count down and soft locks the quiz (I was using the downloaded version with firefox)


I’ve noticed that it only happens when you get the first 9 correct and then the 10th incorrectly


Does that still happen? I updated it a few days ago, I think it should be fixed.

Arty Harty

I played the game you fixed recently alfa, and it is now working fine. I even flunked the last question intentionally to test what morley said.


tfw you spent a long time beating the hard one before easy was an option


The quality of the sex scene dropped. It's a bit fuzzy.


Yea that was always like that. It's at a lower resolution cuz the web build has a memory limit. I found another program to do animations for Unity that should solve that problem though, might try it out for next time!


i still dont under stand how to launch it