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Hey everyone, time for the second announcement!

As you may already know, I've been planning to work more on games. I want to finish that Doe Quiz and make new ones next year. Maybe one day I'll create something good enough to put on Steam or something!

However, games take a lot longer to make than drawings and gifs, and if I start making them I wouldn't be able to create my regular work as frequently. Since most of you are on the "early access to lewds" tier I'm curious.. did you pledge just for the perk, or to support my work in general? In other words, if I changed that tier to "access to early builds of games", would you still be here, whether the games are lewd or not?

Of course, still got plenty of commissions to finish so it'd be a few months before I make any changes, but I'd like to know what to expect. This is what I do for a living and if game dev is not something I can make a job out of I'll just stick to my regular work. That's why I hope everyone votes and everyone's honest!

That's all for now. Thank you so much for all your support this year, hope everyone has a happy New Year and looking forward to an awesome 2019! <3



I’m here to support you and your art regardless of what action you may take. Wether gifs and art be posted less often in consideration for games. Or if you take a leisure on game making to make more art and gifs.


I want to support any work you do. whatever you do is fine by me, as long as i can help support it.


I don't mind games but it'd be a bummer if they didn't have some sort of lewdness in them.

Rush S. Moonshine

I just wanna know that you're doing ok. I love your art, but knowing you're alright during these times is enough for me.


I have loved your art for a long time and will continue to be a supporter of your work Alfa! No matter what direction you decide to take it in. Though it does help I have enjoyed the games you have put out quite a bit as well =3


I love all the art you make, doesn't matter to me how long it takes to make it


I would certainly love to see games but it would be nice to see the occasional lewd in drawings and gifs.


Are you kidding? I love everything you have been doing so far. So I am sure whatever you want to make will be great. So long as you love what you are doing, that love will keep showing in your art.


I think the majority of us love whatever you draw and create so either or is fine. Games would be a cool thing to see more of like a lewd dating sim game perhaps, but that is entirely your choice. I just cant wait to see more of your work in 2019!


Worst case scenario: I go find other lewds or stick with the ones you have. You have decent enough a library and reputation to make other things like games as long as you give us some updates letting us know there's progress, maybe higher tiers get more details.


Given a choice, I would like to see more games from you, but I also recall that the process of making the quiz took a heavy toll on you. At the end, it's your choice, but don't push yourself into something that intensive again without a good plan, or at least a compromise. The quiz seems to be shaping up to be quite a significant project, and I'm sure your patrons wouldn't mind a game on a smaller scale!


I think the problem with the quiz is that I forced myself to only work on that, so whenever I faced an obstacle I felt like I was not making progress and I'd let people down. I think I should make a compromise, take breaks from game dev and do my regular art and animation pieces at least 2 or 3 times a month. Once I actually start with that, of course!


I pledged to support your work, lewd or not, and since I like developing all kinds of programs, I would be glad to help if you need it.


I’m actually more comfortable supporting long works in progress! Helping out feels good plus great things come of it! And it beats the heck out of saying “good job” over and over until it loses all meaning. Or cracking a dumb joke cuz you don’t know what else to say. Long projects bring the whole Patreon together as a team to help you out with feedback and ideas which is honestly fun to be a part of! But yeah, you already know interactive stuff is FAR from easy. my concern is the same as ryebreads up there. But we’ll be here to help out! Good luck!


This is quite a relief~ a decent number of people do want my regular work but I can just keep doing that once in a while, no need to do 100% game dev. But yeah, really happy you like the idea of me working on bigger projects! &lt;3


Do what you want! Most of us are here to support you because you work hard and care about your followers. Doing what you are passionate about means the quality will be far better then just whipping something together, besides making a game would be like combining both your talents, cant complain about that! Plus with a game you can add ideas from your fans making it more personable to all us here. Do what you love and even if some fans leave cuz of it you'll be happy, your true and loyal fans who support you for you will stay throughout the whole journey. Eventually the ones who left will be replaced with new fans who will support your new goals! So juat remember if it makes you happy follow it!! C:


Aww thank you for the sweet and reassuring comment! ;u; I'll do my best and hopefully those who enjoy the content will stick around. &lt;3


The quiz game was cute, I think you have a knack for it. The difficulty of normal mode was enough to test me, though I'd also like games that are collections of mildly customizable sex scenes, like the hentai flash games of old.