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This took a while and was quite stressful, but a second demo is finally done!

No changes to the quiz itself, but I added lots of animations for Doe, in particular, the undressing (hence the 'nsfw' in the title).

Just like last time, it's for Windows desktops only. Gotta extract the zip and run the exe inside.


I think I've asked before but... would you guys prefer regular arts for a bit, or are you ok with waiting for more demos? After all, this is supposed to be a milestone to celebrate and thank you for your support, if it's something you're not enjoying, I could go back to my regular stuff.



i personally am happy with anything so long as your making it alfa <3


so far this is turning out great, loving it. and I look forward to anything you do, if you want to take time to do other art, that is up to you man, i'll enjoy what ever you make though


Do what you want. I personally don't mind waiting. Though I would like a weekly update maybe of what's to come/what to expect and stuff like that. I am impatient a bit if I don't hear anything about something for an extended period of time.


like screenshots of progress? that could be a good idea to tied people over while still being able to do other work too yeah


yeah, this thing looks neat! I don't mind not getting other stuff until it's done.


i dont mind waiting. besides, its better that a big project like this doesnt loom over you while you work on other things. and screenshots wouldnt be a bad idea like lovershy said. just simple weekly updates on the quiz like "oh look, now she has glasses!" speaking of, that hank hill question shows up twice sometimes in the quiz. and yes... i was a little salty after that one...


took me a while, but i got all 10 right. the nsfw aside, this is pretty fun!


If you're worried about what your patrons as a whole want, why not send out a survey? I'm fine with the quiz game myself, since it seems like you already have a good chunk of it done. Although you might want to consider some kind of system (hints? cheats? savepoints?) for those who just aren't scientifically-inclined.


this reminds me of a transformers quote, "first we crack the shell, then we crack the nuts inside!"

Richard Blake


Crystal Razorback

also. do what u want. do the quiz when u feel like it, im just here to see ur amasing work, even if its art or quiz.


Yeah I'll probably start doing that, the screenshot thing. The hank hill question sometimes shows twice, once early on with easy choices and sometimes later on, where all the options are alkanes so it's harder to guess. I guess it's a bit annoying seeing it twice though, I should probably remove one.


Glad you noticed, it was surprisingly hard getting that to work. xp


The quiz is fun though the question pool could used expanding. As for art, whatever you do man, I can't wait for this, but I love ever piece you do, have for a long time =3

Zachary Zamora

It's great in both art style and the humor in the flavor text. Plus, it has some pretty obscure, but not impossible questions, so GG. My only suggestion is that there should be a grandprize for getting all 10 right though. Perhaps a short gif of her using a flask or test tube as a dildo


Yup! The plan is to have a sex scene as a reward for getting a perfect score.

Jolly Jackalope

I like the quiz and I also like clicking the boobies. Do more of both


YES! Finally 10/10'd the quiz. I'd keep in mind that some similar questions tend to pop up consecutively. Like I got two Propane questions in a row, so, y'know to not make things too easy accidentally.


Yea I originally intended for that propane one to have an "easy" and a "hard" version, depending on the choices they give, but I'm getting tons of comments about it. I'll delete one of them. The final version should have a much bigger question pool too so getting the same questions won't be as common. Thanks for your support btw! <3


After downloading the demo the demo wouldn't start because it couldn't find the Unityplayer.dll any thoughts?


No idea, the Unityplayer.dll file is right there in the zip, in the same folder as the exe. :o