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Been working a lot on the game and a little demo is finally ready for you guys to try out! I think it only works on Windows desktops for now though, so I attached a short video too, so you can see it if you can't play it yet.

Again, a lot of the visuals and sounds are not final but I'd still love to hear your feedback and suggestions. Also let me know if you find any bugs!

The question pool is pretty small right now too, but I have an idea: You can suggest funny, interesting or creative questions for me to add, and if I like and use your idea you get to be in the "Special Thanks" section of the game once it's complete!

Leave any feedback or ideas in the comments. Hope you enjoy this demo!


Doe Quiz Demo



I never understand why I can't play these things. What do I have to Download on my phone?


i am patreon i be inthe special thanks? is only curiosity


Hi! I'll only be including people who suggest fun and creative question ideas that I end up using. Otherwise there would be hundreds of names, and people leave and join all the time so it would be very hard to keep track of everyone.


When will the nsfw quiz be released?


Perhaps you could add a lives system like "3 wrongs and you lose". And as you lose your 3 lives, she becomes increasingly annoyed and once you lose all 3, she puts on her labcoat or robe, then walks off screen with anime style steam puff coming from her head.

Arty Harty

For the Special Thanks scene, how about Doe does some chemistry, and she get blown in the face and is smoking? She shakes off the soot, wears gloves before picking up a canister, opens it and the names of your supporters float up in a list and she says thank you.


I think a question about the chemical reactions that happen in the body would be interesting. You could say " What chemical is released when the body experiences pleasure?"


Looking great so far. I loved the little dialog with a few of the questions where she was a bit of a smart ass, so more of that would be good, if I can think of any question suggestions or suggestion in general I will be sure to send another message.


Will there eventually be NSFW content? I think we all want that.


Stakes are hilariously high. We either get newd doe at the end. Or fully clothed doe, and a crushing sense of inadequacy. Time to study...


This is gonna be a porn game that teaches science and I love it!!


Oh, probably even more than nude Doe! I'm thinking she might be nude before the last question, but you get a special "extra" reward if you get a perfect score~!


Will you be doing a sfw version of the quiz as well for the fans of Doe that can’t or don’t want to see Lewd Doe?


It’s extra work. But what if you we had a different reward depending on grades. A passing 60% to 70% grants you cute or newd Doe ending. 80% to 90% is special reward A. 100% is special reward B. I say A and B for sake of both versions. Any grade below passing results in a chemistry related joke at your expense! (or just a disappointed Doe.) ...okay I’ll be honest, I just want more Doe. FORGIVE ME. But I was serious about the chemistry jokes.


Maybe some sex ed biology questions like "what kind of cell is a sperm cell" and choosing between eukaryote, prokaryote, "science" and something obviously wrong. What's a salt you shouldn't eat? "sodium chloride" "potassium chloride" and "Caesium chloride" and my last question since I can think of any more right now. "what's the best Pokémon to experiment with"