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The $1000 milestone was passed last night, that's incredible! Thanks to everyone for your support!

As I said, I'll be making a simple interactive flash to celebrate, but I need ideas for pretty much the whole thing, including the character and what she should be doing. If you have any leave 'em in the comments below.

Keep in mind it's gonna be relatively simple and nsfw, so the "interactive" part might be buttons for several speeds and a cum button, not something like an entirely different pose or character.



i say it has to be Doe. more revenge from Queen


I was going to suggest Doe as well, but there already was one done with her. I'm honestly caught between Queen and Jill now...


Maybe Jill relieving some stress, backstage, just before a big show.


Anything involving Queen


Probably a rather big idea, but I was thinking of multiple dudes surrounding Doe, showering her in cum?


I'd like to see that doe x chiki picture or something like it become a flash. <a href="https://www.furaffinity.net/view/23619501/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.furaffinity.net/view/23619501/</a> For reference. (NSFW)


I'll always vote for more Doe (she's just so cute). As for scenario, maybe something a little more straightforward, like her riding on top of a "subject".


maybe something with Doe and Queen or Doe and Jill?


I would definitely agree with the doe and queen idea


What if Queen got revenge on doe by fucking her with a strapon or doe made a experimental drink and made Queen or Jill drink it and it goes wrong and it made them grow a penis by mistake


How about Dr.Doe and Queen having fun with each other.


Doe does an "experiment" on your ocs female and males if you have some Animated of course and Congrats on reaching 1000$


Hmmm what if you had the girls doing pole dances? And the interacting part is you can switch the girl who is dancing?