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Hey everyone!

I've been thinking about making a few changes and I'd like to hear your thoughts.

The first and biggest one, is that I've considered making this patreon NSFW. I'd still post the usual sfw content, but I'd be able to include my nsfw work as well. That's twice the content! Of course, I know not everyone would be ok with that, and that's why I'm making a poll. I won't do the change unless enough people are in favor or at least ok with it.

The second is some changes or additions to pledge rewards. The biggest one so far is early access to new videos, but those are rare, so maybe I could offer something else for that tier? Or maybe add higher tiers and give other rewards? How about access to PSD or FLA files, or the low poly models? If you have any ideas for things I could offer, let me know!



I see no downside besides just being slightly more work for you. And if people strongly disagree but are still the losing vote just post a warning if it's nsfw. I'm afraid I don't have much advice for tier rewards:(


Don't worry, I'll be sure to add 'nsfw' to the title of those posts and tag them as such so people who don't want to see them can avoid them. Thanks for your input!