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I have 2 WIPs currently, commision Alien Contamination and SoD 7 part 6. 

Alien Contamination is next in line to focus on, will see a big update this weekend, prob 2-3 weeks to complete.

SoD 7 part 5 will be worked on randomly and not a focus ATM. I'll get a few renders in each week until I feel it's close enough to bang it out in a few days ETA is 4-5 weeks out.

Next Futa Set will be set up this week and a WIP opening scene will be set up this weekend. 

Next Monster - Lara 2, I'm going to get a different setting than the one I had set up, didn't like that tone all that much so we will do better, I'm planning to focus on that one once Alien contamination is done, so ~ 3 weeks you should see some renders on that one.


Alley Cat

Looking forward to the next futa set