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Hi all, I created an AI image channel on disc, I do quite a few iamges and some are decent and many are awful, i post a very small subset here on patreon, I plan to post more often in that channel as there are some decent iamges that you may all want more of vs me figuring that out, all will be 4K + if you open in browser too. 

Do me a favor see if you can see the channel and see the handful of images i posted :) thanks!



Can't wait for the expansion of this channel.

E Sanders

Thanks -already checked it out - great stuff


The discord is basically dead


I like the dump site for the images. Would slushie work as well? I do like the girls+tentacles ones, does it only do single images or can it do multiple images in a series? Have never really followed AI art beyond a few images I have run across.


AI very inconsistant so gettingchars to look similar image to image is not consistent enough fo rme to do sets