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I know it's not her game hair but the props from the models look crappy and fake so I went with something close but its hair :) 

Think D.va will enjoy her?

Open to suggestions




Body is totally fine. The face, though... I guess her forehead is too big and the eyes are kinda unnatural? The eyebrows are maybe a bit too dark? Maybe it's just the angle, hard to say.


maybe angle teh head and face are a morph RIP form the game so it should be spot on , I didn't do any changes to those and the brows too are OG from game


The head seems a bit small compared to the rest of the body for me.

Bobbie Blaise

I would agree with the head looking a little too small for her body, but I still like the look and overall style...good choice with the hair.


don't know if it's the face or body or combination - but I don't like her

Liam Devlin

After looking at it, and coming back three times each, it's the head size and neck length that throws it off for me. Gives her that Kaminoan affect from Star Wars... (long neck, small head thingy)


ok gogin to scrap this one and try anoother

Michael Cotellessa

I think with the one side of her hair shaved makes the face look weird when I photograph models that have that same type of hair it does the same thing in photos just have to have some hair on the bald side of the head its a perspective thing


I think for Overwatch I may have to stick with the 3 chars I have already and roll with it, WM, D.va, and Tracer. I think they will work for this set. It seems there are very good models of most of the OW chars for blender and I am learning Blender but it's going to take some months before I can make a swap, reason for Blender is to finally animate

Didi & Nok' Tus

Another we'd like to see without the extra equipment. ;)