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Learning Adobe Premiere Pro and thinking about at least doing some promo videos of new releases, this is a really quick test but lots I can do with this including GIFs :) could be interesting 



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thomas d bontempo

smooth interchange between scenes and fast (might want be a little bit slower) nice


yes for sure id prob do each image like 10 sec vs 4 this was a quick test getting basics down

Bobbie Blaise

As a promo I think it works...I like the transition, but maybe just a couple of more seconds per slide...I would think about putting some limited text in there, just to tease what the actual text will be...no more than takes 2 seconds to read (can you add that to the video without having to add it to the pictures before making the video?)


Yea I can do a lot this was a quick simple test :) ill try do a mere polished one this weekend

Michael Cotellessa

Looks very good very smooth should get more interested in the series good way to promote upcoming series


thanks, yea I'm going to try to put a better one like 30 sec together, then post it :) Ill post here for feedback first!


I think you've always done a great job in promotional imagery wherever you travel. A3D, RR, NextGen, etc.

Liam Devlin

Nice job there, Boss man!