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Got started (finally) on the Jill POV set, 6 images of ~ 80 done, will post WIP once I get to 15-20 :) 

Never did a full POV set but it's fun

Going to try and get to 15-20 by week's end, the Patreon Comisionign this has been VERY patient!



Bobbie Blaise

Good luck with it, since it is your first attempt, though I'm sure, based on the quality of your work so far, that it will turn out pretty damn giood.


I think a monster POV set would be really good!

Andy M

Now maybe a POVs of two futanaris? Wonder if that tempts anyone or if other POVs would be?


lets see if you al like this one then we can do more stuff f:P


I'm not sure if he's grabbing her clothes or punching her in the gut. :-D But I'm guessing it's the former. :)

Liam Devlin

Annnnnd ZIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip! Voila`, BOOBS! 🔥🔥🔥💯😍😎👍