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Select who you most want to see in Resident Evil 9, Nemesis is the main monster in this one :) but I'm also bring back the worms :-O they need to get some action too Def 2 maybe 3 this set :) Rendering starts this week!

You get 3 Votes   :) use all 3 !

Poll Ends Wednesday this week ;)


Liam Devlin

Jill seems to be a favorite, she's listed three times (with variations)...

Spencer X

Cmon guys, thick Jill is so fucking hot!


Oh boy this is goign to be close :P


Clair rules though lol


Getting some Asian love! :) go go Ada ;)

Liam Devlin

Hardly--Jill has three versions, and everyone else has but 1. Likely in composite Jill & Clair combo from the start. The fight as I see it, is for 3rd place. ;)


Canton will be happy Clair is kicking ass in the poll :)


You get 3 Votes :) use all 3 ! Poll Ends Wednesday this week ;)


nemesis AND worms - good news