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Whoever is posting this you an ass, The reminder of this set will not be posted as a WIP that's to this jackass. 

Take it the fuck down for fuck sake, your an as for doing this.


I need to figure out who it is and why the fuck they think this is a good idea? Cant fuckign wiat until im done? Or give me a chance to post on stores? 


Bobbie Blaise

Like I said last time...not cool...the set isn't even finished yet and the WIP's are what we Patron's pay good money for.


Sorry to hear about this, no one deserves this especially you.


Bummer total bummer 👎 I love your work 😭 I'll die without WIP 😭

Liam Devlin

Contact SVS, and register a complaint for intellectual theft Bossman.


I don't (like most artists) make a living from this and when people do this I'm not sure what they feel they gain, it literally makes people not want to make this stuff it takes tons of time and can be stressful. I know 4-5 real goo artists who just gave up and stopped due to this BS.

Liam Devlin

Blackadder does this, and many of these "free porn" sites have to take down his art once it goes up. Ya gotta stand up and draw a line, or it keeps happening.


well the good news is this set will be about 200 and less than half got shared early by this Dbag Sashko Im talking to PAtreon to help narrow this down there are other artists on SVC is m talking to now also with shit bag posting their stuff.


It's dicks like this that cause problems for everyone and lower the industry as a whole.


This link might help: https://svscomics.com/dmca.html


Here, in case the link above keeps quitting on you. https://justpaste.it/DMCA-SVS


Hope you catch the lowlife... Sorry we have such a Judas among us...


I agree, you need to catch this lowlife, I hate thieves and there is no need for this. Do what you need to do to catch them.


was edwas posted too early ??? I hope you dodged him that can't be done


Glad to see it was taken down.


This is just really fucked up and shitty ... I feel sad for you that it happend again. :(


hope you find out who it is dude i feel so sorry this happens to so many artists. Keep the faith thou brother a lot here are supporting you 100% and would hate to see the WIPs go cos of a royal wanker it is upsetting


Sadly the world seems to be getting more of these fuckwits every day. Keep going mate we are all behind you👍😊👌


I hate these behaviour so much 😠, hope you'll find it. But fuck, artist should not have to waste time chasing such mean thieves :-/

Vincent Santilli

Set a trap for him. Send your suspect a unique Set with one small difference that only you know about... then if it that modified Set shows up somewhere else then you will know who to send your hackers.