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Fangirl on disc found this old image, this set i started was 80+ images then had a hard drive fail no back up and  I rage quit the set and never rebooted, if i get Nat/Rachel and Erin Vikki to G8 we will reboot this entire series as long as they look "right" 




I bought all these sets from RR and A3D. If you lost some, I'll be more than happy to send them to you. BTW, how is it going with conversions? You mentioned last month Carina, Erin, and some of your older models were being redone with a person who could update them to G8. Just wondering how that was going....


I have Erin / Caraina in the list to do along with Nemesis, h is ~ 2 months back log my guess is Jan we will see them, if they come out goo dI plan to get Nat / Vikki and Rachel done, Gabby too. I am hoping to ReBoot Erin's story with a reason she got out of the clinic and may be moved elsewhere to kick it off, it be nice to get 3-5 Erin sets in 2021 done :)


love to see Erin & Vikki storyline rebooted as G8...as you know she is my 2nd favourite girl and 1st fave Futa love her cute looks...glad you found dream study as already said.


I'd love to see an E&V reboot. That series got me started on your work. Miss Nat was the best in my opinion


its my gaol to get that goign again, just waiting to see how the V4-> G8 convert looks, be amonth or so I'm waiting on the creator to do the job an dhe is busy


As I said before - not only I want to see Erin back, I want her to triumph over those taking advantage of her - maybe a good way to get out of the clinic is overhearing a conversation on what is really being done to her?


But she will still need to live with the changes - so I think plenty of material there.


I'm looking forward to the "good old days" ;)


Yess, more E&V please!


I miss Erin and Vikki!