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After getting feedback on the last post of this set I went back and recreated a new room and took the prop feed back into consideration.

The room/apartment is a completely different one, higher ceilings and more open space. Added some new props, couch, soft seats, rug, food props (including pizza and soda). Removed all but one ladder. New boxes and some are open and some still have stuff in them etc…

The biggest change here is lighting to be honest. I am trying a different approach with this set on lighting, see how people like it.

Feedback welcome but for the most part these are the opening 2 images, after feeling like I was ahead of the game I now feel behind as I have 4 days of travel next week. Fortunately this set is on my current new system (not the one incoming) and renders only take an hour(ish), posing will be the time kill here.

The opening has Tori busy unpacking stuff while Ashley is distracted by text messages, from who I wonder?

Big Images here:





Jake theberge

I like this new place. This one feels more empty, (they are just moving in) the bigger room feels more ominus.


Thanks, anything calling out to you thats off? I want to try and get a bunch of iamges in on this opening part before the weekend :) so need to change now or live with it ;)

Jake theberge

Everything looks bright enough. Nothing leaps out at me as being off. Had to tell without out knowing the plot. Like if an item is plot related and should have more promanence, or less like its hidden. Gotta eat now maybe think on it.

Jake theberge

Yeah id stick with this.


Tori is smokin.


The girls are beautiful. I like the textures and reflections of the room as well as selection and placement of the furniture, millwork, accessories, etc. Any way to get more shadow effects though? The wall tracks are pretty brilliant, yet, they don't appear to form any shadows near them. It can probably give the space more depth perception? I figure since you're experimenting with lighting for this scene..... :)


there are pretty big over hangin lights above them i could try to turn those off and see how it looks .