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Been re working the room and lights on this for 3-4 days now feedback very much appreciated on over all look and feel.

Ashley is the blonde another new G3 girl. 

This will be a futa set but I can tell you at the start here no one is a futa gal, how it all happens will be reveled later ;) 4 Actors in this one once I get rolling ill post some action shots, be a week or so as I travel this upcoming week.

BIG Images here:



Redhead - better view of her:





I like the blonde. Hard to be sure about the other one as her angle is off on the pics


Its Tori from Christmas image and yea I may rework that buts its just for the opening shot.


redhead - <a href="http://erotic3dx.com/blog/12222015/xmass_clean.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://erotic3dx.com/blog/12222015/xmass_clean.jpg</a>


Oh yeah, the dirty looking one. Does she have an attitude too?


Looks as if they're waiting on a friend to help with the unpacking? I like the redhead better - but nothing is wrong with the blonde :)


Im running with a story I started 1.5 years back - then HARDDRIVE failure and never went back to is. Teh good news is G3 gals (1 G2 gal too) Once I get 20 or so images in ill post on patreon the plot / story a bit more.

Robert Arctor

Looks good overall, suitably messy. Just one thing: the first thing you unpack aren't the cans of paint, it's the coffee and the munchies - can't do all that heavy lifting on an empty stomach :p Do they really need 5 ladders, though? Also perhaps have one or two of those boxes open to suggest they have at least made a start, if that's intended. Ashley's eyes don't seem quite lined up with the phone she's holding, not sure if that's intentional. The background outside the windows doesn't seem to scale, unless they're faeries living in a tree house loft ;) The texture on the box Tori's holding doesn't seem to wrap around properly. Perhaps a tiling issue? Possibly not a big deal. I wonder what's inside that mysterious wooden chest... :p [Edit:] Ah, neat trick with the sphere; thanks for sharing! Glad to be of assistance :)


Awesome feed back! Thank you. Yea maybe less ladders, ill look at the box texture. Eyes should be on phone ill double check that, her eyes are set to point to a hidden sphere behind phone. Open boxes great idea. Ill mess with some of this today try and lock down, AND yes the wind back ground was a tem thing i slapped in there not going to use that I need to get some stuff set up for outside.

Bob Fink

I like what you've done so far, and since they appear to be in the process of moving in, I think the lighting and shadows are great. And I must say the redhead is smokin hot! I'm looking forward to seeing this story play out. Your comment about this being a futa story but none of them is futa has my curiosity peaked to say the least. Have a safe trip and I look forward to your next update.