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The opening for DR 4 is done, 20 images total will be about 60 or so when done. This is the first part of 4 or 5 image sets that will tell this story.

Fae'aria and Nyssia will have a small part at the end but I am setting up the beginning to show why they interrogate and Orc and then go off on a quest to stop this “bad” Elf.

There is a reason these Orcs don't kill this Elf (Tahrin ;) I left that out of the tease images below.

All $10 + Patreons will get these first 20 images and I would love feedback on what needs changing or fixing from you!

4 Images for all Patreons below:






(No title)


Jake theberge

What I've seen looks promising. To bad their isn't a sample nude image of the evil elf chick like the heroines. How long do you do you guessetimate it will take for the final product to be finished?


-- VOTE it up if you like! ---mid Dec done im trying to limit this to 60 its really the opening to a much bigger story I have in my head, but I think its important to give the reasons why stuff happens in these sets. Also Witch set opening done tomorrow too! That one Early Jan release.


So, my understanding is Tahrin goes from hot elf to demon bitch in these pics? Am I following correctly? This is the same elf in the opener here? I'm just confused on the sequencing. First couple frames is a hot blonde, next few are the demon looking elf (hot btw) and then back again to hot blonde elf. And then sexing them up to command them for her evil plans? Not criticizing, I'm just failing to follow :) DUDE! You built a whole fort! That, the orcs, the grounds, and the environment in general, is very well done. The hell hounds fur doesn't seem to render well though. A little too 'glassy'? When I picture an adversary to capture Fae'aria and do dirty shit to her, evil bitch elf is a fine choice, in my opinion. When she demons out in these pic's - it just seems that she's serious and means business. In turn, meaning Nyssia and Fae'aria are in for some serious fuckin'! :-D I'd also like to point out a post from your blog a few months ago where you did a beautiful render of a tatoo application as an experiment. You seem to have applied it here to Tahrin. Looks great! Just enough ink on her to emphasize a statement of her darker side. Great start here. I like it! :-D


yes the Elf and demon are all the same I tried to show that morphing over time but there is no helping the sudden Elf - Elf with horns an detail then full blown demon - basically in Elf form she is well an Elf and the Orcs love that - something will happen to the Orcs once they release in her ;) . This elf in her elf form will be in random images with Fea and Nysessa, but will also be the main reason they get into bad,,,, ummm well good for us ,,,, situations ;)


Please don't change anything based on anything I have to say. I was just rambling :p It's good! Fae'aria gettin' fucked - I'm a happy guy! :-D


ha! Im starting the $50 Patreon commissions this weekend ;)


Hmm. Rather than have her morph into a demon, how about she just defeats the Orcs and their hounds through superior sexual endurance (or magic just as they cum). I also thought the lighting was pretty bright. Perhaps shadows from the trees around the fort to add some visual variety? And while I'm dreaming this all up, how about her getting dirty from rolling around the inside of a fort with a bunch of orcs?

Bob Fink

I have to admit I love what I've seen so far of this one and am looking forward to seeing more and to see how she defeats the Orcs, I'm sure it will be exciting for both her and us.


I think I am goign to add 1 or 2 iamges of her transformation back to Elf, goign form full demon to full ELf seems to drastic? So I can add 1 with her as half with horns and tail then with jsut her eyes red - thats the plan .


Too late we are in full Demon mode, I am going to add a few images for her transformation back to Elf, seems to quick TBH after re looking at it . I can lower brightness, thanks There are trees but too many and I wont have any shadows. Its teh first true daylight scene ive done im ok with the the sun light but can see your point on the over all brigth ness