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I know cloths why bother, lol…..

Looking for feedback, I still need to work on the clothing textures a bit and dress up the queen with some Jewelry and a septor but the base is set up for the most part.

I added a little weight to them Vs the original iamge.

Fae'aria got a new hunter outfit (I want to find or make a necklace for her not a jewelry one more like a rope one) while Nyssia stayed somewhat the same other than a skimpier top – Elfs don’t like lots of clothing it slows them down yea know! Fae'aria also has a new dragon ride and he has reproductive organs.

I have 2 monsters roughed out and will work on clothing and genital props later this week. I have 2 perhaps 3 other antagonists I want to make as I have 5 encounters for these two on their quest in this story not to mention they will be having some fun with each other too. I will post the monsters next weekend then I need to make the settings so prob 2 weeks before rendering really starts.

I travel Mon-Tuesday this week and Erin and Vikki only has 2-3 more renders I have to get done tomorrow and post work etc… not to mention the Patreon commissions that I am multitasking with ATM also! Times a ticking on this month.

Anyway feedback please what do they need, what’s not right when you look them over here.

Big image:



(No title)



The queen looks almost anorectic. It could be just the angle of the picture. The other two looks better though. Perhaps slightly slim. Its hard to say from just one shot, but the queen deffinately needs to eat more. I guess elves might just eat salads though. Hmm...


thanks ill beef her up some, when i make her taller or use Elf morphs it seem a bit extreme the waist get shrunk too much perhaps? Let me mess around with her a bit more, she wont play a major role in this, but i may give her a quick sex scene at the beginning not sure.

Jake theberge

I agree with pistons about the weight on the elves. Fae ria and Nyssia doesn't look quite as formdable as they use to, although that's probably the lack of a pose. They do look a lot better now though. As far as clothes go, I accually like when characters are showing less skin at the beginning of a story. I liked Fae'ria's outfit from her first set, she seemed more formadble and it added more enjoyment for me when she is stripped. Like she has no defenses left. Imo if you made Fae'ria's skirt wrap around and cover her front and have a little less cleavage up top you could get the same affect. Idk about the other two, ones a queen and the other ones a messenger? So I have no opinion on their outfits, maybe a little more on them to. Just my opinion.Wow, that was longer than I planned. Hope this helps.


good feed back, ill add a bit more meat to them all, ill see what i can do, Nyessa has magic powers and in this story she is needed to accompany Fea on a quest etc... teh Queen gives the orders ;)


I agree with Jake. Something a little more "rugged" for a quest. Nyssia seems more suited for a desert climate than a forest. Fae'aria and what looks like (leather?) is a great approach; however, a lightweight leather armor? I'm thinking along this line: <a href="http://www.daz3d.com/leather-fantasy-armor-textures" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.daz3d.com/leather-fantasy-armor-textures</a>


I hear you, ill think it over Nyessa will stay as is as that's sorta what she was using before, and this is a 3DX porn set, not a Rated PG movie we are doing here :) ill look around on fea's out fit maybe add some rugged pants later this week ill post another try - its a tropical forest ;)


I have this that ive not used yet :) I like dthe original armao but it was a dit difficuylt to work with not very conforming for conforming clothing ;) <a href="http://www.xurge3d.com/inc/sdetail/70855" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.xurge3d.com/inc/sdetail/70855</a>


Clothing is in some cases essential and needed, its an added arousal for m,any. Lots of art tends to cut to the chase and become blatant in its exposure leaving the build up and mystery to nothing. There is something arousing to see a female captive being led into a old dark warehouse dressed knowing that at some point she will be made to strip, or be stripped, which adds to her humiliation further creating another aspect to the story and art. After all it is about the freedom of expression here that cannot be spoken in the real world.


Ok Ok, lets add more cloths :P

Jake theberge

But not too much. This isnt the middle east. We dont want it to take two long for them to bare all and start thinkig with their cunts. I do like Fae'ria's above outfit though. Like a casual outfit. It would also be fitting imo as part of some adventure were shes not expecting trouble and it goes to hell, some partying, or as a ritual where shes "sacrificed" to some evil sex god.