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Here are 6 images for a sneak peek at Erin and Vikki V: After School Activities

The good news this will be about 100 images, the bad news is I lost 30 images of the now second part with Rachel being played with.

So what we have is Erin and Vikki go to an interview for a company called New You Inc. to what may become the next set in the series, they treat girls for HASD (Hyper Active Sexual Disorder), or do they….;)

At the same time Natalie is giving Rachel a "tutoring session", Erin and Vikki were invited to join them, so next set could go that direction too.

Turns out the interviewer is well, you can see :-O

This set will go out to all $5 + Patreons end of next week, in stores Oct 27th.

Sneak Peek:








(No title)


Lying Lark

Is it wrong to be excited for Erin and Vikki 6... Hahaha


The blonde futa looks a tad anorexic. Is there a way to give her just a little bit more flesh on that frame? I do; however, like the misadventures of Erin and Vikki. Especially the level of detail you put into Erin and Vikki's facial expressions. In my opinion, it seems to enhance the eroticism :) I enjoy BDSM themes too, so pretty much everything you've been experimenting with this past year get's two thumbs up from this happy fan!


Yea, I think some of that is the pose and angle, but for now she is what she is and has about 20 iamages, we can figure out if she is worthy of more after the set is released.