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I guess I miss rendering these characters, in between posing and rendering the sets I’m working on I threw this together with Fae’aria and Lady Nyssia.

Few things I would like to ask you.

  1. Any  ideas for a plot line on these two? I am open to ideas, PM me thoughts. I have a 6 hour drive today and I too will think this over. This and Jessica DDH 3 are the next 2 sets.
  2. How do I keep you Paterons here - ideas? My sets sell for $10 and I do about 7-8 a year (past 2 years) and I am trying to get you all more value add, to help make committing monthly worth it for you. That said this month I took a hit with 3-4 Patreons who actually pay, yea I have ~ $100 worth of Paterons a month who don’t pay (and do not get $5+ content), I know not all my stuff appeals to all of you but I do try to be diverse, should I focus on one genre?

Last thought, taken a page out of Stone Sorceress book, for all Patreons that have hit $100 mark in support I plan to do something for you, I am not sure what but I am thinking that over and will let you know, probably an image of your choice or something as trying to get one thing to appeal to all is impossible so giving you something you want seems better?

Big Image here: http://erotic3dx.com/Oct2015/both1testa.jpg


(No title)


Jake theberge

How about a sex fight between these two? No futa though, I'm a fan of tribbing, that's were two women grind their pussies together instead of using toys. The object could be to see who could make the other cum first, or cum the most while trying to resist the pleasure. Or they could be trying to fight some big demon/monster and have them fail, then have the creature force/induce a huge three way. My only advice for increasing patreon payments would be to do what you just did. Ask for advice and base some of you stuff of the consensus. Me personally, I don't like the violent/ abusive stuff you've been doing lately, and before these last few pics was considering no longer being a patreon. I like strong females (like these beauties) trying to and failing to resist pleasure. Ofcourse you shouldn't change every thing you do just for money. If you don't enjoy it, what's the damn point? let know if you think I have some good ideas or am just an ass.


Yea, I like the idea of a demon monster maybe uses mind control, demon possession and forcing the sex with each other then with him or something, can certainly add the grinding pose. I sorta dont wnat to use an Orc to be honest but a monster thing for sure. as for recent stuff, I hear you, the non con set is a test teh water thing and if it sells well maybe i do 1 a year or something but my pref personly is this type of stuff, erin vikki stuff etc... the impaling was a commision and thought id share seems i had a streach of hard vilonty stuff there but i do not want to go 100% in that direction jsut mixign it up etc..


cool, i got 6 hours to think this over i should be done with this forced one next week and i can start on this and Jessica's set , like I said I do want to appeal to a wide group so I am not adverse to trying stuff, forced, futa, horses etc.... but be sure most of what i do 80/20 rule will be more in lines with Carina, Jessica, Fearia etc... as i have a legacy there that needs to be upheld ;)


cool, i got 6 hours to think this over i should be done with this forced one next week and i can start on this and Jessica's set , like I said I do want to appeal to a wide group so I am not adverse to trying stuff, forced, futa, horses etc.... but be sure most of what i do 80/20 rule will be more in lines with Carina, Jessica, Fearia etc... as i have a legacy there that needs to be upheld ;)


No idea why my replies post 2 X :(


I wouldn't mind some futa action or some scissoring. A nice lesbian set would be good as well.


thanks! Futa set incoming week or 2 i could work in some girl on girl action with these 2 or Jessica / Ellie Demon doll house step sister fun :)


Nothing wrong with Nyssia, but I prefer the brunette, elder elf, Sylma Rylien. You built that elf beautifully. She never got naked btw!! I wouldn't like futa in this particular series, but tribbing isn't bad. There are many ways you can go with continuing the Dun'ragon series. The possibilities are limitless! :)


I'm assuming the people that don't pay are just the general leechers that just sign up and get what they can before transactions process, then cancel.


I'm assuming the people that don't pay are just the general leechers that just sign up and get what they can before transactions process, then cancel. Speaking personally, as long as you keep doing the monster guys with hot women, I'm with you. The only way I would ever stop my pledge is if you either completely changed to genres I don't like (ex doing only futa sets) or if I had some financial crisis.


I do get some of them for sure, its the main reason set need links and PW etc... :( if those folks would simply pay a little the artists that make this stuff could make more - trust me.

Jake theberge

One more request and I'll let you get some work done. Could you do one or two more shots of these two, maybe a frontal angle or a little kissing? Thanks for humoring us btw.


I can do that this weekend, in fact I may try and render them in DAZ next time, however this set may stay in Poser not sure yet.