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Hey all, got an update for you.

The Natalie – Rachel set will be delayed about 30 days. It was supposed to be done Sept 19th. I lost 30 images due to a hardware failure. I have not got official word that the data is unrecoverable but and I quote “it does not look good” I am pressing them for a response.

I still have the 35 images I posted here. I tried to recreate the scene and stuff but I rage quite in frustration. I was going to just can the entire thing but Supro gave me an idea. I plan to bang out 30-40 images as a front end to that set, where Erin and Vikki are playing around. To set the stage they will be at school and Natalie will invite them to her mansion but they already had plans etc.…. Once done with Erin-Vikki I will cut to the Natalie – Rachel part, so sorta 2 things happening at once type deal. See if that works.

Eric asset is 60 images in and still need at least 2 more scenes (perhaps a cut scene too… ) so this will be 80+ images when done, at this point it’s possible it could be done by Oct 1, I have an update on that one but will be Patreon only image as things are getting too harsh to post publicly.

Big Image here:


PS -

I now have cloud back up, 2 X RAID 1 drives internally and also

backing up locally to an external drive.... little late on this.... live

and learn




So it's those two sets and then Daemon Doll House 2?


Well for priority yea but I am setting up the room for DDH and the characters are done, I anticipate renders starting first week of Oct