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This is a post for Patron only, I’m almost done with the scene set up and how the girls get abducted.

This is my hack job of getting the text - image and story into one document, we will have some narrative on the images and certainly the dialogue comic style. Long story stuff however, will this work putting story/text after the image?

The plan is to have the PDF format with the story and a separate zip with images only.

How’s image quality? All done in DAZ !





Looking good so far, although it's propably not going to be my favourite set. I prefer the more fantasy-like settings. Only thing I really don't like is the girl in the red dress. I think she is just "too much". I love big breasts, but these look just ridiculous. Also the hair looks far less real, compared to the other two.


Why not try adding the textes within speech balloons in another Photoshop layer? I personally prefer reading story and chats while seeing an image.


i think he rdress makes her boobs look bigger than they are, i posted a nude iamge of all of them a few posts back i dont think they are WAY over board but can reduce if need be, hair, i cna try and fix a bit


yep dialogue and some narrative maybe all of the story will be on iamges maybe comic split screen style but thanks this is the feedback we need.


My favorite will always be your character Fea'aria. However, the sets with Carina, Demon Doll House, and Erin & Vikki are just as good. I like where you're going with this one - and these models are great! That ponytail brunette is perfect! I agree the breasts should be slightly smaller on the red dress model, but great work in DAZ! Again, I support you on Patreon because you continue to try new ideas, characters, and tech. Clearly your animations are progressing nicely as well. Do you plan to add some animated shots with this set? Good work as always Zen!


it is appreciated. im sorta stuck atm, i want to learn some new stuff but that takes time and i want to keep the content flowing and that takes time and life takes time .... :P so ill get what i can get done! i do like to change it up im not a fan of same old stuff over and over. i plan to chill and get feedback on this stuff before i continue, i may need to re render it all based on feed back :)


The red dress girl and the tall dark-haired one look fine to me. It's the blond I'm less happy with; her mouth seems too big, and in her close-up she looks a little half-witted. The man also doesn't come off right; those bulging muscles are over the top, and his smile is unconvincing.


Lucy and Holly are perfect - don't change a thing. Olivia's body and face are also very well done but her expressions are off and to be honest a little creepy. Mehmet's face is well-rendered in the last picture but seems to be"waxy" or plastic-like in the first few pics. The pub scene is also excellent. You are off to a good start and I can't wait for the next set!


Image quality is fairly good but for some reason seems kind of fuzzy. I'll take another look later on today.