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Hi All

I had to remove 2 image sets due to them not complying with TOS here on Patreon. 

Trial By Combat 

June Alien Mini Set

Both were depicted a bit to "non consensual" please contact me with any questions you may have. 

Thank you


Jack Pinder

Was not aware the staff at Patreon watched and viewed all the material available to them. Did someone lodge a complaint? Those are not violent rape sets and the girl in the Minotaur set became quite an enthusiastic participant towards her own orgasm. Aliens never ask for permission. We are their case studies. If the term "non consensual" is their future standard paint brush judgement call I have fears for this site. Censorship is an ugly word. We are all capable of being our own censors.


I understand your point of view. I will do sets like that still and put them on other sites. I sorta get the alien one but yea it's something I have to conform with :(


they allow animopron which has beast and his newest movie is non consensual they seem to allow it


Done just waiting on approval then I will get the sets not allowed here up over there


So wait where can we get those sets and any future sets? I am confused.

mark peterson

non consensual thats the stuff i like


im a fan, I plan to still do them but maybe on the other site ow use sugestions posted here to make them available


Which sets got deleted?


Where might we find the deleted sets?