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Hi all, 

Reepyr and I are collaborating on a 3DX Game, we have day one finished and will be releasing the day one build on a separate Patreon page, will send you link when its up Saturday. 

If any of you have a ch acne to run through a few play through of this please do and provide feed back. 

Note the image above is not in the game (yet lol) just a teaser to show you main girl and main guy in game. 

Im going to fix the Main guy skin day two to be less pale... 

DL link :  https://mega.nz/#!3JADzCKR!NrmE8U0aMkLfUXpX4gQ080WQIhGAT8pRNcbfngcb9pw 




Hey the game runs very smoothly. Can't wait for you to have the other days in there to build the skills and story :D