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Hey all,

Im working on some animation loops for the Erin Vikki set but in testing I thought I would give some other characters a look also.

These are for Patreons only I am going to post animations for now only here. I am also going to try and do more of these over the coming weeks, as many as time will allow.

Disclaimer: I know this is not perfect, the frame rate is odd even though I thought After Effects had the setting right (I am learning After Effects on the fly here). I put no props in this focusing on animation not context or setting for now.

I plan to try another one later this week or maybe tweak this one.

Poser – Octane using G2 F and M.

Oh file size is < 4 Meg ! Handbreak is awesome for compression!





Looks pretty good! Well apart from the framerate which you are well aware of at least. The body monements are right. Especially the hips of the dude and the tits of the dudine.

Lying Lark

It's good besides the head jerk midway thru. But it is miles better than the your first animation.


I think the demon's movements (apart from the prementioned headjerk) are pretty much spot on, ditto the lady's movements, apart from perhaps the breasts, which are Dead or Alive Xtreme levels of jiggle


thx man, yea i was going to fix a few small things before i posted but mehhh, its a test and looking for feedback here :)


thx next one ill get frame rate better goign to work on another tomorrow i think


Hello! I am now a confirmed "official patron", but when I try to download the animation test via Dropbox I get the dreaded "Access Denied" message! I guess this means it takes some hours (or days?) for my status to register?


First - THANK YOU! Second: there are no restrictions on this one, other than begin a Patreon, copy and past this if you still have issues I will upload it to my blog server today let me know <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/091znaj1n4wkl31/animationtest_1.mp4?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/091znaj1n4wkl31/animationtest_1.mp4?dl=0</a>


Pretty impressive for a second effort. Liked the girl, particularly the face and her changing expression. The demon could do with a bit of extra movement - perhaps just shifting the grip of his hands now and then.


should have a few more tests, in the coming week or so ;)

Didi & Nok' Tus

not half bad mate... real smooth moves. as for the framerate, it's in: Edit -&gt; Preferences -&gt; Import alls you gotta do is set the sequence footage to the rate you animated it


Really like this one. Both of them look nice. The link doesn't seem to work anymore thoough.