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Once I am done with the Alien Futa Set I am working on  (be about 2 weeks to finish)  the next set I will start is Demon Doll House 3, just want to let you all know since many are asking for that :) 



Um, wasn't there supposed to be a continuation of Erin and Vikki storyline? Like a couple months ago?

Lying Lark

Is futa pet, after that?


I got an idea for that involves a Fetish bar, its in the works.


About time! Though somehow I am even more eager to see the ALien Futa set

John Doe

It's been many years since Demon Doll House II, can you make Demon Doll House III, IV, V, VI, and 666?


Yes! the next demon doll can't wait.


What happened to SoD III?