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For Patreons Only Hi all, You’re in luck, the $50 Patreon commissions all wish to share 8-) . So here is a Zip file with all of them. Some images I did more than 1 shot of, technically I should be doing 3-4 angles of each but for various reasons I didn’t. So what do we have here? 1. Erin my futa gal plunging into Elf Fearia in a mystical cave 2. Bad cop has started to undress our punk rocker; we do need a transition image between last month and this one I will get to at some point. 3. Kimi, cute girl (I do like her look) gone bad, she has been used in every possible way and what’s in store for her I don’t know but I am anxious to see 4. Finally we have a first attempt at a well-known pop star, can you guess who she is? This like all efforts on getting 3D models to look like real people is a WIP, each image we will make small changes to body and face to get her closer. She looks great and I was happy with how the new stage came out - /nerd talk stop Download link here, enjoy. http://erotic3dx.com/patreonfeb2015/feb_2015_patreon.zip




I'm getting a 404 :(


Thank you to all the commissioners for sharing!


Yeah, thank you to the commisions for sharing. The work is great. And a huge thank you for the image with Fea'aria and Erin. I've said it many times, (and will continue to) Fea'aria is my favorite of your characters, so any image of that elf - hot, hot,hot! :)