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Hi all, Rendered a new monster(s) and new girl, looking for feedback. If she / they are keepers I will render more. Was going to pose 2-3 more but I want to get back to Rubi tomorrow. Patreon only images for you :) here, I will try and do something like this every few weeks, if we find a keeper I can target her for a set. http://erotic3dx.com/orc/01j.jpg http://erotic3dx.com/orc/02j.jpg



I'm happy to cast a vote to her!


Those are pretty dang good.


She's a beauty (though I'm not a big fan of her hair and prefer slightly bigger boobs^^)


Her toes should probably have more bend even if she is tip toeing, the direction of force that the orcs is applying should not result in a complete lift of her body. Otherwise it is an exceptional image, great job.


yea hair is new thought id give it a go, sorta agree. Im ok with any size boobs :)


Fea'aria is my favorite :) But this is well done. It's almost as if the orc's cock is holding her up, hence the stance on the toes. Seems like there's an "Asian" look to the face? A good contrast to some of your other characters. Maybe a different bandanna for the hair? I think with some additional input from other patrons, you'll have a workable character here.


thanks! I plan to do a few more of these, in search of a new girl to make a set with so stay tuned :)

Didi & Nok' Tus

not a bad start... looking forward to see more


:) thanks, gona post several more random shots like this looking for the next keeper :)