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So DevLog Update time again. I know for those in the higher tiers, you've been seeing some recent video teasers here and here as well as the usual Before/After pic teasers here and here. Between those, we've had the Without Fire set dropping periodically so the page has been kinda busy. Surprisingly, none of that slowed me down and I've been working away on the new update and officially (just a few minutes ago) hit another milestone on it.

So I'm breaking away from the update for a few to check-in and let you know where things are at on Revamp v0.10.

CGs: Currently all the initial CGs are completed and rendered. There are a total of 330 new pics for this update. I also have one very NSFW animation for it completed that was previously referenced in my how-to DevLog if you actually wanted to see that animation being created in real time--  problems and all! 

As of right now, all the CGs are sent over to Jordyn to go through and fix all my errors as well as stitch my animation together (animation is 120 frames). We're also going to be looking at having the text messages interactive on the screen similar to what you saw in the original game. This update should be featuring that. That's also on Jordyn's desk but we haven't actually gotten a change to talk about it yet. 

While on the subject of the text messages, out of respect for Lazy Jayke, the guy who originally made the main menu animation and the text message animations you saw in the original game, I had wanted to try and save his original work. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to do that when it comes to the texts. I don't have his original overlays and since I'm rendering completely new images, we're going to have to recreate those text messages. I'm actually kinda upset about this but I don't really have much of a choice. I do plan to reuse his other animations later in the game though even if there's somewhat of a difference in lighting quality. It's just really important to me to not bury the people that helped me work on this. 

So in short, all the visuals are created-- they just need touch-up and post-production work completed.

Writing:  So the initial rough draft and outline for the writing are done. This update will cover the first half of Chapter 5 and actually ends at the same point that one of the original draft Chapter 5 updates ended-- so that should be a fun walk down memory lane for you long-term fans out there.

All images are officially coded in and the game boots and works with no current errors.

Music/Sounds: I've spent the last 3 days on music and sounds and just completed my first pass through the update a few minutes ago. There is new music as well as new sounds for this update. For whatever reason, I underestimated the amount of work the music and sounds were going to be and it took way longer than I thought but it feels ok now. We'll see how it looks when I do a full playthrough.

What's Next?:  So starting tomorrow, I'm going to do a fresh boot, this will allow me to formally start the process of final editing on writing, sounds, music, and the overall timing of all of those things. My first passthrough on the game is usually just to make sure all the pictures work and the second passthrough is quick writing fixes, sounds, music, and coding errors and all that wonky shit. After that, I start to actually take the total project seriously because most of the distractions are out of the way so I can begin the polishing process. That normally takes me a few days and I usually try and skip a day in there somewhere to get fresh eyes. Normally, I play the update around a dozen times or so before release.

Release Date: So right now, no formal release date but I'm going to shoot for next week sometime. I think that's doable. If I get it done before that, I'll drop it earlier so cross your fingers. Even during the early run-throughs on this chapter, it seems fun. I've already smiled a few times so that's a good sign. 

Stay tuned, it's coming very soon.


William Kuhl

Yay! Love the developer updates. Though you should rename them to dev diary entries. Anywho, I really appreciate your commitment to keeping us informed on the progress of the games development. It makes us feel like we’re a part of this project. Can’t wait for the next update!!!


so not to get caught up too much with semantics, but i've sorta avoided more of a "diary" feel to the updates. To me, a "diary" feels more personal and causes at least a large portion of the spotlight to reflect back on me and i never wanted that. i dont have a desire to be front and center in my work or be an "influencer" or a "personality" on the internet. if there's any attention around here, i want it to be on the characters or the story or something related to it. i'm fine staying back in the shadows for the most part. there are exception to this where i will disclose more personal stuff about the development but that's usually done in the context of the reasoning behind it or to help explain the logistics (maybe a development will delay the project because it'll take longer to make but i feel like it's the right way to go for the story). that being said, there is slightly more personal stuff in the video logs because i dont generally edit those so it's more stream of consciousness and sometimes i'll give an anecdote or something like that. But for me, the goal is to raise awareness, stimulate discussion, validate, or maybe even cause some self-reflection and all of that will hopefully come from the story-- not necessarily me. i think most of us are here for the story, and not necessarily to hear me ramble about the story, lol

Kevin Bretschneider

I think we need badly a continue of this lovely game! I think everyone would be very happy about this, if the remake is finished.


we'll see. i'm in no big hurry for it simply because i like how things ended before. i'll only continue it if i think i can do better than the first time around. i'm keeping my mind open though