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Hey all,

I wanted to drop a line to update on where things are. I've seen a decent amount of new subs following the last update and I don't want to leave everyone in the dark or think that things aren't progressing.

'Cause things are actually going really well.

So let's jump right in and see where things are:


I stated this right before the last update but it's worth mentioning again in case people missed it. Update v0.06 took a bit longer than I anticipated but part of that was due to organization of the original code and choices-- including organizing the entirety of Chapter 3 (which is this next update, too). So while that last was taking longer, I was actually working on v0.06 and v0.07 at the same time. As a result, I already have a large portion of the main outline done for this next update finished. On the Patreon page here, I anticipated that I'm around 30% done with the next update but realistically, it's probably much higher than that (probably around 50% total progress). 

Like v0.06, I'm looking at the daily choices and interactions with Zack's day (i.e school, waking up, studying, showering, etc.). While some of that stuff can get repetitious, I'm still trying to include as much of the original text as I can.

Buuuuut.... I've been adding some stuff as well (which is why I dropped the overall completion lower than what it probably is). So the main part of the writing just needs polishing and most of the work I'm doing right now is linking those bigger scenes together smoothly.

v0.07 will conclude Chapter 3 so you can expect to see everything that was originally in Chapter 3 plus more. 


So far, the bulk of the initial work for v0.07 was mostly making sense of the writing and trying to fill in gaps in the story. So the CG work I have done thus far has been a lot of outfit changes and filler images. If I'm being honestly, nothing overly impressive to share yet as a teaser but it should look good in the story when you play it.

That being said, the bulk of the beginning of this update work is mostly straight-forward. However, the ending of the update is where there's a lot more work to be done visually so we'll talk about that in this next section (just beware there will be spoilers) if you haven't played the original game. 

If you want to skip that section to avoid spoilers, that's fine. Just know that the end of the v0.07 is going to be way more image intense and that's what I'm starting to focus on next.

What am I adding (Spoilers in this section. Skip if you haven't played original)

Most of the additions right now have been tiny things like minor character interactions or minor choices such as cleaning the shower or going to the bathroom or looking for Ernie. Basically, a lot of things that we saw in the last update but still trying to give the reader some extra choices just to explore the world more and see some of the other students live out their lives. Other events I've treated much like the Selfies series, using them as an excuse to practice a certain technique, lighting, or positioning so I can do more things with the game later.

[Spoilers] So Chapter 3 originally ends with the massage scene and Zack catching Braden jerking off. This ending won't change in this next update, however, I've looking at a lot of perspective changes, lighting, choices, etc. for this scene to spice it up more consistent with the type of quality you've seen in the revamp thus far. What I want to do with this scene is waaaaay better than what we saw in the original and I'm excited to get started on it. I have some mockups that are fucking sexy right now. In terms of the massage scene, I'm going to start working on that this week and I have a feeling I'm going to bite off more than I can chew but we'll see. I have some more interactive ideas I wouldn't mind trying out to take this thing to the next level so stay tuned. It's either going to be amazing or it'll be one of those devlogs that i start out with a big long "soooooo.... that didn't work"


[End of Spoilers]

I'm also planning on more animations. So far I've been happy with the animations and my "practice" animations using minor events like facial expression changes or the urinal shaking we saw in the last update, have worked as I intended. They've given me the necessary practice at using the program and ultimately given me more ideas to use for future updates. I've also gotten faster at animating, which means that including animations ultimately isn't going to slow production down to a snail's pace like it used to.

Regardless, stay tuned. I have a feeling that whatever direction this goes, we'll be seeing it in the teasers when I get there. I just don't want people to think things aren't progressing right now because they haven't seen teasers. It's just the development order of this next update so stick with me. I promise it'll be good.

More to come...



So glad you're having so much fun with this. It really shows and makes us that much more excited for the final product. Thanks for the updates! 💙💚


thank you. the revamp is definitely more fun overall to work on. the bones are there and it's fun to see the progress update and how much i've grown in the Before/After shots or reading the terrible writing from the original, lol.

Alexander Garcia Moline

this is the best game i have ever played. So take your time, as they say in Spain: good things are made to wait. Thanks for these cool updates and catchy story.


Thank you very much. I’m flattered you think it’s the best. Stay tuned 😘


Take all the time you want. I look forward to all your updates. This story just keeps getting better and better!!!😁

Jose Pasalodos

Thank you Arryn, as usual, your updates are comprehensive and allows us to be in the “room” for the creative and your approach. As always looking forward to your next drop!


Thank you. Glad you’re still enjoying it and thank you for still sticking with me on this revamp


🙏This one shouldn’t be super long I hope but we’ll see what else I come up with 😂


Bro I can't fucking wait for this 🙌 😭 it's unfortunate 😤


yay! glad you're excited. it's still looking good on my end. i'm adding a lot of new stuff that should be a lot of fun :)