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So here we go with the second half of Chapter 2. This mostly focuses on the doctor's office visit and the fallout after. I'm pretty happy how this turned out and I'm happy with some of the changes we're gonna see here. Lot of new dialogue and conversation, more new music and sounds, and a few animations peppered in there for practice. Overall this thing just looks waaaaay better than the first attempt. I hope you enjoy it. As always, lemme know what ya think.

As always, don't use old saves on the game update. You can start a New Game from the menu and follow the red letters that say Update and it'll drop you at the end of the last update without having to start over.

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Also, if you missed the post yesterday, I'm giving away a FREE 1-month Discord Nitro subscription on my Twitter to help combat the subscription changes over there. Hell, as popular as this has been, I may actually end up doing it monthly. I'd rather invest back in my community that's helped me build this rather than the volatile Twitter management style and algorithims so I'm doing a contest. To enter, all you have to do is follow me on Twitter and retweet this tweet and one lucky follower will be selected at random. No required follower count and no bullshit. Everyone's equal. I'll announce the winner over on Twitter on April 26 so it'll all be public and you'll know it's legit.

For those of you in the $20 tier, I know a lot of you have been really enjoying the behind-the-scenes movies and I can't believe how popular those have gotten. I'm gonna try and get another one in here this month, but I was prioritizing the update first. I was gonna do one this week but I felt like it would be a lame to show you a CG video and then drop the update like a day later with the pictures you just saw. So instead, I'm dropping the update first then the next videos will likely focus on some early CGs we'll be seeing in v.0.06 instead. I have no idea how I'm gonna do those yet so I'm sure that'll be the usual trip of watching me figure that out in real-time.

Thank you, as always, for all your continued support. I really appreciate y'all sticking with me on this revamp and helping me make this story even better.





Woo! So excited to see the progression <3


heya. glad you like it. the revamp has definitely captivated me. i was worried about it feeling stale since we already know the story but even after spending this many years on the project, I dont have a problem jumping back into it. i think it's the music and the graphics that are pulling me in faster. im proud of how far it's come and i couldn't do it without y'all's energy. hope you enjoy it. it was made with love


I've re-read your original a few times already and I love it, but I can honestly say the revamp already flows better and pulls you in a little deeper and that more than enough reason for me to be excited to jump back in as well! Thanks for all you do! 💙💚


well thank you very much. i still have a lot to learn but i think the work is paying off for this one. i appreciate the support

rob matthews

Having just finished this update- Wow! You are developing the thoughts and personalities of the Main Characters in an immersive way. My thoughts jumped to the future- and your developments with the pool and new friendships. This is a colossal undertaking in the rewrite. And you and the Team are doing a phenomenal job with the entire project. I have about 120 vn's I have played or follow and with the genre- I have found nothing that even comes close in any way to this project. Thank you. I am Honored to support this!


glad you're liking it. some subtle changes in this but it's the same story and it's kinda fun to think what actually happens. honestly, i feel like things wont be as stressful this time through but i'm still trying to make some of the moments equally dorky and cringy because zack's an idiot. but also make some of the arguments really uncomfortable to sit through because i think they need to be. it's awesome to know you've played that many of these things and you still rate this one so high so thank you for that. promise i'm still putting my whole damn soul into this thing

Jose Pasalodos

completely agree with Rob and Blaze, you keep improving this VN and its a pleasure to see it develop. The nice thing is that for me, even though we are covering old territory, what you are doing makes it not only a refresh but it also helps me connect with the characters in a more meaningful way. Everything from the music, to the expanded dialogue both internal and external, to the facial expressions on both, to the background scenes that make it more natural.


thanks a lot. ,glad you're diggin it. it feels more more tbh. i feel like there's more of a maturity to this version


Awesome update. The redesigns are excellent as usual. I can't wait until the next update! Great Job.


You have once again hit it out of the ball park with this update! To echo the other commenters, everything from character development to the superb graphics, to the audio has come so far since you began this quest! Zach and Braden have become much more three dimensional with this update. And the graphics, OMG! You apologized several times for taking too long to finish this update because you got caught up in the details, but you were correct in following you instincts (which were spot on!). Please continue to follow your heart as you progress in this endeavor. I, too, cannot wait too see future updates to this work of art and love, no matter how long that may take! Kudos to you and your team!


glad you liked it. It was pretty slow progress for awhile in the doctor's office but when I went back and looked at how long it had been, it had only been about 2 months, which is still pretty good for this part of the game where i expected to have to do the most work. i dont feel bad at all about 2 month updates. honestly: that would be amazing but we'll see. i think i have more organizing to do on this next update again. but glad you liked it and the added depth for this scene. it felt like it flows a lot better than the original for sure. stay tuned :)


Gone back to the start again for what must be about the fifteenth time now, since the last time I played was in December. Couple of things have popped out at me (no, not those - not that far into the game yet) - first, the start up screens still say it's "Pre-alpha", which seems a bit behind the times. Second, there's a lot of squinting at food in that first cafeteria scene, you might like to mix it up a bit?


For now, I’m leaving it as a pre-alpha because this is a different erosion of the game. While it looks better than the original, it’s in the same stages that the original was in in terms of development. That being said, I’m not the best at following the rules for what an alpha, beta, whatever is with development— mostly because I wrote an entire story about avoiding labels 🤪. So basically I never took that real serious. I just want people to know I’m still working on it and to be a little forgiving. The good thing will probably be an ongoing thing we’ll have to deal with or accept. Basically changing the meals all the time could get out of hand and would require all new CGs for every angle of that scene. So right now there’s a burger on the screen. If I change that to fried chicken it’ll probably be 15 or 20 new pics I’d have to do. Change that again and it’ll be that many more. Then we add in clothing changes as a variable and that balloons very quickly. It’s the same reason that they only changes clothes a couple of times. I do worry about things like that but then I play AAA games and realize they rarely do it and sometimes there won’t even be an object present. Like I play Final Fantasy and someone will just move their arm towards someone as an emote and you won’t even see the object they’re being handed and that development team has thousands of people. I agree it would be nice but if it gets added it would probably be a supplemental thing I would do as a side project after it’s finished.


The pre-alpha thing makes sense. For the food, I didn't mean the images, I meant the text: the repetition of the word 'squinting'


I kind of forgot to keep playing for awhile. You may already know, but there's a frame where Braden is referred to as Brent. Sadly, I didn't make a note of where it was.


Sorry I overlooked this reply. So I went through the script and just did a search for “Brent” and I can’t find anything but I do t remember fixing that so who knows, lol. Just keep an eye out for it I guess. Maybe I fixed it and just forgot